I’m really starting to hate my apt. Well, I love my apt but the anti-personality is really starting to get to me. I have this cool piece that
psycholibrarian made for me that has been sitting by my computer forever. I have yet to bring it in to get framed since I haven’t been able to make a decision of what I want to do with it. I have an idea, but haven’t brought it somewhere yet. I also really want, or at least I should say believe I should, hang some of my own work. Without a doubt I should hang the spiral since I’ve kind of made it my symbol, and to this day I still think it’s fucking cool.
But what else is worth printing? Of course, most of my favorite work is stuff that I did with
psycholibrarian, but, well, as much as I love you, I’m not making my apt a shrine to you ;-) I really have a lot of wall space, and I believe quite a lot of options, it’s just doing it. I need to get motivated with my apt and finally do all those things I’ve been saying I will do. I can’t keep not having the time. It’s driving me crazy! I mean, c’mon, how long have I been saying I’m going to organize my shoe closet for!
I’m was hoping to get to Bed Bath and Beyond during lunch today to buy a new shower curtain. Mine has gotten all gross and moldy, but we’ll see. I came in to find out that I have 4 print appointments today. Ugh. I also need to return a pair of cycling shorts at Paragon plus go to the bank to take care of my rent. So much to do, so little time!
Oh, sort of out of order, but yeah, if there are particular images of mine that you remember liking. Please let me know.