Where is my fifth slut

Nov 09, 2008 14:21

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Shocky
Are you over 15?: Yes.
LJ username: soulrockcandy
AIM: Shockrageous
Tegaki: Kitara
Anything Else?: I'm a massive derp but you knew that already.

In-Character Information
Name: Lighter
Game/Series: Mother 3
Age & Teaching Position: 42, repairman (At a school like this one isn't nearly enough)
Living Arrangements: Dorm plz

Personality: Lighter probably comes off as a cold, distant grouch. And maybe he can be a little grumpy at times, but he's not so much distant as he just isn't the talkative type and won't strike up conversation if he doesn't see reason to. Smalltalk? Forget that. He'd rather be doing something more productive with his time, thank you. Although if you're the big city-type, then yes, Lighter probably does dislike you a bit by default. He's the traditional type and doesn't adapt well to technological revolutions and the like.

He's a dedicated worker, and even if lightning keeps demolishing his half-repaired house he won't give up. That's sticking it to the man! Even if he's been gravely injured by a couple of flies HIDEOUS MUTANT BUGS, that won't stop him from doing something he feels is important, and will go to great lengths of manliness to prove he's not useless and crippled just because he has a few broken bones. Some might say he's stubborn. They're definitely not wrong.

There is a softer side to him... somewhat. It's rare, but he does smile and say kind words from time to time, although that's the extent of any displays of "affection." Very few have ever witnessed these tender moments, much less been on the receiving end - as far as anyone can tell you, only his son, Fuel, and long-time quarreling buddy Flint have ever earned moments like these.

He's not the most eloquent fellow, but he definitely doesn't beat around the bush. He's the kind of person who will let someone know exactly what he thinks of them without worrying if he hurts their precious fee-fees or not. What he has to say isn't always what people like to hear, but at least he's honest. Honest as he is, he's not blindly trusting either - if some mysterious peddler claims to sell happiness in a box, Lighter will be the first one to roll his eyes and walk away. Just because he's some small-town hick doesn't mean he's stupid. It frustrates him when other people fall for such a blatant scam, especially when his own son seems to take interest. This only adds to his resentment of the big city.

Backstory: As far as anyone can tell you, Lighter was born and raised in the peaceful village of Tazmily. Life was simple if not generally uneventful, but that was just the way the people liked it. His best friend and rival growing up was Flint, and even though they argued a lot they grew up to still be pretty close. He eventually married a nice lady (we'll call her Tinder) and together they had a son named Fuel. Unfortunately, Tinder died during childbirth, leaving Lighter to raise the boy on his own. It wasn't always easy, and on occasion Lighter has regretted not being able to provide the kind of motherly affection a kid needs, but he still feels he did a pretty good job. Besides child-rearing, Lighter also had the job of handling most carpentry in the village. There was something comforting about masonry and woodwork, not to mention it definitely made him feel like he was getting things accomplished. Seeing a new barn built or a new shop set up filled him with pride. Life was good.

Until the night of the fire.

Without warning, the Sunshine Forest on the outskirts of Tazmily shook with violent tremors caused by mysterious explosions. Lighter went to investigate, but made Fuel stay in the cabin where it was safe... or so he thought. It wasn't long before something- or someone- caused a wildfire, and soon enough the entire forest was engulfed in flames... including Lighter's cabin, with Fuel still inside. Lighter hurried back to save him, but on the way was attacked by huge insects that spat fire. He took a good number of them down but they just kept on coming. Fortunately Flint happened to come by and saved Fuel IN A SHOW OF MANLY BRAVADO while other villagers tended to Lighter's injuries. He wasn't happy about everyone fussing over his injuries, but despite all that he still said "Thank you" (something even the men who worked for him had never heard!) to the man who saved his son's life. Lighter still feels like he never properly got the chance to repay that debt.

In the years that followed, Tazmily Village expanded into a small town, invaded by pig-masked men and people from the big city. Almost every house had a "Happy Box" in it, and everyone was eager to do whatever they could to earn money. Not Lighter. He continued to remain in the forest, refusing to furnish his home with those fancy new-fangled techno-gizmos. Even when people insisted that lightning would stop striking his home once he allowed happiness into his life. He was plenty happy before things changed, he insisted.

Soon enough people began to leave Tazmily, one by one, all drawn to the fantastic New Pork City. As he watched the streets empty day by day, Lighter resolved that he'd remain in Tazmily to the very end, even at Fuel's pleas to go with everyone. Fortunately, the Baconapocalypse happened and King P was no more. People returned to Tazmily, having finally seen the light, and got rid of their happy boxes for the most part. There were some city ways the people kept incorporated into their lifestyles, but it was okay. The lightning had stopped and there was no more false king to lead people into a lie.

Admittedly, things got pretty boring after that. Lighter didn't mind terribly, until he heard that Lucas, Claus and Flint had all been seen taking a trip to Tazmily from... wherever the hell they'd went. Without even coming to say hi! The nerve. Lighter decided he might as well do some investigating and figure out where Flint went off to, and see if he could finally repay him for years ago. It wasn't like he had much work to do in Tazmily now that things stopped getting demolished and foreigners weren't moving in anymore.

Anything Else?: -Lighter is a MANLY MAN.
-He almost always carries a 4x4 piece of lumber over his shoulder. Is he compensating? Of course not.
-He's not Jesus, sorry Pix.
-One of these days he's going to smack Bud and Lou if they don't shut up about their comedy routine.
-Lighter has a soft spot for younger kids, but it's hard to tell.
-He can't remember that much from his own childhood. Anything he can recall is all pretty vague.
-He'd much rather speak with someone face-to-face than use this computer thingymajig. Screw your technology!
-He is not popular in the fanart community bawww
-Even though he uses a bit of slang in his speech, he writes properly. You'd think more people would do that!

In-Character Example Post: It took too damn long to figure out how to work this thing. In that time I could have personally said hello to each and every one of you. Don't expect me to use this often.

Name's Lighter. I help with repairs now. Figure it's the least I can do.

lighter, app

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