[Oh, goody. Another visitor is here. And it's a pogle. Said pogle seems to be making himself right at home. There's no dazed and confused wandering. This one is exploring.
Unfortunately for you, this pogle seems to have no concept of privacy. He's barging right into classrooms and dorms, poking at cool-looking stuff and looking for food without any
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Red looks up from his book and stares. There's something funny about that 'chu.]
[This is it. The ultimate test of their bond. After so much time apart, after such a drastic and life-altering evolution, will Red-chu still know him?]
Of course he'd recognize his bestest bro. What kind of a trainer would he be if he couldn't? A BAD ONE.
He immediately grabs his heterosexual life partner and it's hug time. Gonna squish the heck out of him.]
Where'd you find a Thunderstone...!?
Chuuu! It was an adventure, Red-chu! The chus that live by the Power Plant go into an old mine shaft around the Rock Tunnel for Thunderstones, but the Sandshrews wanted to live in it instead so they chased the chus out, so when I was going by the asked for help. That was their present for me! I almost said no but I thought and thought, and then I made up my mind. Being a Raichu isn't a bad thing, being a Raichu is just the next adventure!
Did I do good, Red-chu? I wanted to tell you before I took it, but you were already in this far-place, so I thought, "Red-chu will be happy no matter what chu I am," and I took it.
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