I am as slow as a turle orz

Mar 28, 2010 23:18

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Saffuck
Are you over 15?: Yeah
LJ username: saffmk
Time Zone: Meat guts time (+7GMT)
AIM: chronocrator
MSN: _dtan@dororo.keroro.com
E-mail: Same as above :V
Tegaki: Saff

In-Character Information
Name : Empoleon [Will also response to Empo]
Game/Series: Pokemon
Age & Grade Level: 17, Sophmore

Empo’s personality can describe similar to water, calm and flowing but can also be fierce as a tsunami. Usually, he’s very calm and laid-back. Most situations won’t startle him or otherwise. An equally laid-back smile is usually accompanied by this composure. Nothing seems to make him feel surprise, that or he’s has a terribly slow reaction. Pranks and the alike aren’t usually his things, and they don’t surprise him, however he doesn’t mind them at the least. In fact, he has a laughing-fit even when the pranks on him. Hell, he has a laughing-fit for almost anything!

Due to from his calm demeanor, Empo, at times, has a devil may care attitude. Though personally, it’s more like a devil may care towards sexuality, races or any other kinds of ‘dividing’, nonetheless, he has one and doesn’t seems to be bothered by it. Which also brings a considerate thought he doesn’t actually care whether he might date a boy or a girl, as long as he likes the person, it doesn’t matter to him. Hell, if he fall in love with a person who might be a decade older than him and that person loves him back, he’ll still go for it.

He also has a certain way of showing his affection. Most of the time, he expresses them with jokes and friendly teases. He will drop the teases if needed. Oddly enough, despite of his laid-back attitude, he’ll tell the most cruel/lewd/odd jokes towards the person he has a crush on. It maybe because he never experience it before and thought it might get more attention from the said person. Though, more or less, he means well. He just express it right.

Despite of his usual calm demeanor, Empo has some sort of semi-OCD. He can’t stand seeing anything disorganized and might possibly throw into a fit a frustration. Though this is justified as he is more used to an environment that’s a typically neatly organized mansion. It’s most likely that he’ll try to organized whatever he sees as a mess.

Though he rarely admits it, Empo actually loves attention. And I mean really loves it, like an anttention whore if you may. It might be due to him being in the spot-light a tad too much, after all, he’s been in contest since he fully learned four moves as a Piplup. Mind you, he’s first priorities are his friends and family, but even he can’t help but please the crowd, can’t he?

Another thing that’s fairly rare to see of Empo is his anger. Because of usual calm demeanor, Empo rarely show any signs of easily being provoked. When he does show it, however, don’t ever be surprise if you ever find yourself on the verge being attacked by the moves metal claw and fury attack. What makes him angry are when his loved once are being insulted, like really badly. This goes to show that Empo protects his loved ones whenever he can.

Empoleon was, of course, your typical urban type Pokemon. Raised since he was a Piplup, lived in under a roof with his trainer and family. It was a typical life! Well, it was until you realized that he lives in a mansion with a rich family. Yep, Empoleon had it good. Really good. Of course, his trainer was a lively lass. Everyday they would walk just a bit outside of the town and train with the wild forest of a nearby route. They trained him to become a well rounded contest Pokemon.

And of course, as time gradually pasts, Empo evolved into, well, a contest-winning Empoleon! The young excited lass grew too, she grew into a very fine young woman. However, the problem with his trainer growing up is that she doesn’t have any time to train Empoleon. Now she’s too busy typing up paper-work, reporting several jobs and also facing more life problems like most adults do. So what does the grown-up lass do with Empoleon? Give it to her younger sister, that’s what!

So, Empo found himself being train and entering contest yet again! Unfortunately, this only lasts two months or so. Why did it last for such a short time and not at least for 10 years? The answer was simple, the sister was mainstream person. Someone who loves to follow trends and fashion. And apparently, water-types were out and electric where in. So the younger sister acquired herself a nice, well trained Jolteon. This made Empo sad. Very sad. Now there was no one to train and enter contest with him!

However, the light of hope finally peeked on him yet again. Apparently, there was a school. A very special school for Pokemons, trainers and others alike. Maybe he could find someone to train him again! Being too hopeful might be a little bit risky, but he’s homeless again so it should be fine, right? It definitely means that he should be alright. Now, off he goes in a quest to find a trainer and a new home!

Anything Else?:
-Movesets are; fury attack, metal claw, natural gift and roar.
-Relaxed Nature.
-He loves spicy poffins.
-Once he obtains a human form, he’ll look like this. His hair is not actually that long, just really wild.
-He occasionally says ‘and whatnot’. Think of it as a verbal tic of sort.
-Due to his devil may care attitude, he’s most definitely pansexual.
-He’s very fond of Jazz, especially swing.

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal):
Wow, these humanization pills are really convenient.

Anyways, hello Smash Academy. I’m just your typical Pokemon fellow thinking of dropping by and being a student whatnot. Nice place you got here, very classy and huge. Oh right, my name, you can just call me Empoleon or even just Empo. Whatever floats your boat!

probably so, saff quit spamming the dr, oh god what am i doing, that's gaaay, empoleon, saffy duck almost finish her app ;_;, will this ever be?

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