
Jan 03, 2010 10:32

What is this place supposed to be? A school? How pathetic. Then again, most establishments on this mud ball of a planet are. The lack of advanced technology is astounding. What a primitive planet...

Better not waste more time in this dump of a place than is necessary. Alright, listen up Earthlings because I'm only saying this once. I'm looking for a ( Read more... )

vegeta, oh god what am i doing, never to be, ablablabla, fucen

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monotreme_101 January 3 2010, 19:49:04 UTC
Caffetreria is that way - I don't know anyone with that description, though. Well, big Spiky haired guys, yes, but not with the blue and orange Gi.

You look pretty tough - you a new teacher or something?


saiyajinouji January 4 2010, 02:15:24 UTC
Finally someone who's smart enough to answer my question. So it's in that direction...

Heh, you've got pretty good eyes. Yeah, I'm strong. Not a teacher, though. I wouldn't waste my time trying to teach annoying kids. Not to mention anything taught in school is completely useless to a warrior like me.


monotreme_101 January 4 2010, 02:34:50 UTC
It's a simple enough question to answer.

Thanks - Well, I'm pretty strong myself and I know what to look for. If you're really a warrior, then you might find this place worth checking out. It -IS- a fighting school, after all. Name's Knuckles the Echidna, by the way.


saiyajinouji January 4 2010, 02:41:40 UTC
... A fighting school? Never heard of something like that on this planet. Maybe I should take a look around then. Hm, maybe that's why Kakarrot came here...

Oh, right. The name's Vegeta.


monotreme_101 January 4 2010, 02:48:50 UTC
Yeah - Some of the worlds' best have gathered here to teach others and learn new skills of their own. Actually, I should say universes' best being we have quite a few folks here from other worlds.

Vegeta, huh? Cool. Well, if you can't find your buddy in the Caffeteria, you might wanna try the weight room or Gym, assuming he's a fighter too?


saiyajinouji January 4 2010, 02:56:58 UTC
Quite a few people from other worlds? Now I'm really curious about this school. Heh, guess it was a good thing that I came here then.

Yes, he's a fighter. Though I doubt you'd have any equipment here that could challenge him. Unless you have a gravity machine.


monotreme_101 January 4 2010, 03:02:11 UTC
Yeah - a couple of my good friends are from other planets. But we have plenty of home-grown heroes too. Plenty of humans too, so.. y'know. It's not like you'd feel out of place. LOL Knuckles you have no idea.

...a gravity machine? No, nothing like that. Our weight room is made of melted down tanks and bits of heavy artillery though and the machines are customizeable enough that even I can challenge myself. I mean, how strong can this guy possibly be?


saiyajinouji January 4 2010, 03:04:17 UTC
Tanks and heavy artillery? That's not even a ghost of a challenge. Kakarrot has trained in over 100 times Earth's gravity. With what you have, he wouldn't even break a sweat.


monotreme_101 January 4 2010, 03:07:57 UTC
...one... one... hundred times Earth gravity? His body alone would have weighed tons, let alone anything he tried lifting or benching! Is that even POSSIBLE?

...and if it is where can -I- get one of those machines?


saiyajinouji January 4 2010, 03:13:44 UTC
Perhaps for a human or normal being it would be impossible. The planet I came from had 10 times Earth's gravity. But Kakarrot and I are a warrior species called the Saiyans who get stronger after coming near death in a fight. To us, training in something like 100 times gravity is nothing.

Something like that has to be specially made. You can't just buy it somewhere. So unless you have connections to Capsule Corporation, you're out of luck.


monotreme_101 January 4 2010, 03:20:05 UTC
W.. wow. I guessed you were just an especially gifted Human. I didn't realise you were a whole other kind of being. My bad. That's really pretty amazing - I come from a warrior species too. I'm pretty much the last of it, though.

*Already making a mental note to find out more about this... Capsule Corporation.* Hey - Which world is yours, then? I might have learned about it in astronomy class.


saiyajinouji January 4 2010, 03:26:00 UTC
*Knuckles. Knuckles, you just said the magic words. Last of your species? Vegeta feels a ~*~kindred bond~*~.*

Astronomy class? I doubt it. My planet was destroyed a while ago.


monotreme_101 January 4 2010, 03:32:59 UTC
*Aww Kindred Spirits lamenting the loss of all their species aww.*

...Oh. Ahh. Man... I'm sorry I brought it up, then. I had no idea.


saiyajinouji January 4 2010, 03:36:34 UTC
I don't need your concern. It does not matter to me. I was away at the time when it happened.

*Vegeta deliberates a little before asking*

What about you? You said you were almost the last of your species.


monotreme_101 January 4 2010, 03:44:06 UTC
*Knuckles has more to say on the matter... but it's obviously a 'don't go there' topic so lets it be.*

I'm the last of my tribe. There's another group of my species that live in an alternate dimension... they are gifted in the sciences whereas my own kind were gifted with superior strength and skill in battle. Between the two they ruled most of this planet at one time... The Nocturne were exiled from this world for reasons unknown and my own kind were almost completely whiped out by a God they managed to anger. That was four thousand years ago. The few strong enough to last out against the Gods tirade went on to guard an artifact of power on a floating Island, each generation growing smaller. I don't know what happened to my parents except to say that I was hatched alone and was strong enough to fight my way from infancy to adulthood in the wilderness.


saiyajinouji January 4 2010, 03:52:56 UTC
*That was... more than Vegeta was expecting. But he somewhat understands the thing about angering gods. However, something in particular has caught Vegeta's attention.*

An alternate dimension... That's rather interesting. How did you know about all this? If it was four thousand years ago, then I doubt you were there when it happened.


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