Holy stuff, I got it done.

Aug 25, 2008 23:27

Out-of-Character Information

Name: Ki/Terra

Are you over 15?: Yeeep. =D

LJ username: terra_ki

Time Zone: -7GMT

AIM: KirriWithWings.

MSN: Private

E-mail: KirriWithWings@aim.com

Tegaki: Terra Lightwind

Anything Else?: Don't expect to see me on tegaki much. I fail hard at it.

Also, don't ask how I got coaxed into applying as this character. It's a long and very boring story.

In-Character Information

Name: Liquid Ocelot

Game/Series: Metal Gear Solid

Age & Teaching Position: 64/ Combat Situations (AKA how NOT to act like a gay wuss during a battle)

Living Arrangements: Dorm

Personality: Liquid is extremely loud and arrogant, in contrast to Solid. The chief emotions he bears for him, likewise, are resentment and jealousy. Even posthumously, Liquid is desperate to kill Snake and prove his superiority.

Ocelot, however, is relatively calm (key word being relatively, he at least won't yell for no reason), if not more than a little melodramatic and egotistical, especially during combat. He almost always has some sort of ulterior motive, and often double (or even triple) crosses people. He is also notoriously sadistic, being an expert and fan of “interrogation” (don't ever call it torture in front of him) techniques and morbid death threats.

Despite all of this, he's loyal to Big Boss to the point where he would die for him (Of course, this being the roleplay that it is, we all know what that REALLY means...).

Backstory: ((Note: Since I have to write two backstories here, they will be seriously abridged.))

Liquid Snake: Liquid was another clone made during the Les Enfantes Terribles project, along with Solid and Solidus. However, because he got the supposedly inferior recessive genes, he resented Solid. He was the youngest person to serve in the Gulf War's Special air service, at only 18.

In 2005, he led the FOXHOUND rebellion, where they seized Shadow Moses Island and Metal Gear REX, demanding the remains of Big Boss and one billion dollars to correct the imperfections in the genome army. Snake answered their threat, and the two fought several times before Snake finally stopped their threat and Liquid fell victim to the FOXDIE virus that Snake was exhaling.

Afterwards, his body was used as a decoy, causing the public to believe that Solid Snake was dead, and his hand was grafted onto Ocelot's. He is now using it to slowly but surely possess him.

Ocelot: Ocelot was born on a battlefield in Normandy, and is the child of The Joy and The Sorrow. He was taken in by a powerful organization called the Philosophers, and infiltrated Colonel Volgin's army as a member of the KGB and CIA, during which he grew to become an expert in torture, calling it “the ultimate form of expression”. He formed something of a rivalry with Naked Snake (AKA Big Boss) and eventually grew to look up to him.

He then managed to obtain half of a treasure known as the Philosopher's legacy, and killed the DCI, taking control of the other half. He then handed it over to an organization called the Patriots, who eventually grew to become a powerful government-controlling agency. However, he secretly left during the Zanzibar Land uprising, infuriated at Zero's plan to keep Big Boss's body in a permanent stasis.

He was then placed in FOXHOUND, which was commanded by Liquid Snake, along with his close friend Vulcan Raven, while providing Solidus with information regarding Liquid. He convinced Liquid to invade Shadow Moses, resulting in the rebellion mentioned in Liquid's profile. During the rescue of Baker, Ocelot challenged Snake to a duel, which was interrupted when the Gray Fox (Whose identity was not known at the time), removed his hand. He later tortured Snake and Meryl into giving him the information about the PAL key, and then disappeared after a brief discussion with Liquid.

After the incident, Ocelot stole the plans for REX and sold them on the black market, and proceeded to attach Liquid's hand. Soon after, he had tricked Sergei Gurlukovich into lending him his army to steal Metal Gear RAY and sink the tanker holding it with Solid Snake still inside. However, since Snake was eventually found to be alive and RAY was lost (through circumstances that Ocelot would rather keep unknown), the operation was ultimately a failure.

Not long afterwards, Liquid possessed Ocelot using the hand, hungry for revenge against Solid Snake. After a long and exhausting search, he finally came across his location: A somewhat unusual boarding school by the name of Sumabura. He of course applied right away to become a teacher, while his mind was filled with thoughts of vengeance.

Anything Else?: Although Ocelot is the “normal” personality for this character, Liquid's personality kicks in when Snake is in the immediate area, or other important moments.

Ocelot is secretly working with the Patriots, and even more secretly working to bring the Patriots down.

Ocelot is fond of western movies, which explains his choice in outfits and weapons.

Because I'm a wuss of a mun, there will probably not be any actual “interrogations”. However, expect vivid descriptions. You've been warned.

In-Character Example Post:

Liquid: So I've FINALLY found you...

I am so close to killing you, I can almost see your blood spilling on the floor. Tread carefully, or you'll fall right into my hands, Solid Snake.

Ocelot: Damn you Liquid, what kind of mess have you dragged me into now? Well, it looks like I'll be babysitting a bunch of whiny brats in the meantime, I better watch myself, or his antics may end up being the death of me.

Ah well, as long as I'm stuck here, I might as well show these sissy fairytale creatures how to handle themselves during combat, lest this “fighting school” will be filled with complete ninnies who would run at the sight of a gun.
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