
Aug 16, 2009 20:15

Mm. *Hello there, there is a Lucario on the journal network all of a sudden. Is this a familiar face?

Possibly! ((Hurrr I'd have him be a returning teacher in backstory, but it's not the same Lucario as before. This one would probably be like... YEARS back in SBG backstory. Maybe like 3.))*

It has been quite a while, Sumabura. Why... years, in fact. I can feel the aura eminating from the students and I feel the school has quite the lively bunch this year from those I have passed by walking through the hallways. (Perhaps... a bit too lively in some cases, I will not deny.) It pleases me to see that and I would be quite interested to come by yet again and teach my fighting abilities to others.

Especially considering I have heard word of a war that has happened within the multiple-year-long timeframe I have been gone? That is... hm.

Not quite what I expected to hear.

Martial Arts will resume for the first time in quite a while starting Tuesday. I apologize if anyone here who might remember me for my disappearance. I craved the need to go partake in some... private training. (It took quite a bit longer than expected.)

You may call me Lucario, or... Sir Lucario if you must prefer more formal titles. (Although I would prefer Lucario.)

lucario, character test, oh god what am i doing

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