((... what can I say, I love Panel De Pon's fairies shaddup. 8|))

Jul 07, 2009 15:04

((Plus I couldn't develop much on Elias anyway. |D; But for Selene, well... ideas kind of... poured out. Big time.))

((... 8U If anyone would be willing to crit the app, btw, at least this WIP, I'd appreciate it. <3 My app skills are so rusty now. Not saying that I WILL app her, I'd rather DR her for a couple of months to be sure.

Switched places with her third and first person positions so I can DR her at the same time. Soooooo this is an app and DR post.))

In-Character Information
Name: Selene, the Fairy of the Moon
Game/Series: Panel De Pon
Age & Grade Level: 19, Senior

Personality: Selene, seeming to be (yet possibly not) one of the eldest fairies apart from the Queen of the Fairies herself, feels as if she's the 'big sister' of the various little sprites living in the lands around and about their land of Popples. She doesn't exactly see herself as a 'leader', for she more or less views the group of fairies as equals more than anything, with their Queen being leader. Rather, instead of trying to see herself as above the entire bunch tries (she wouldn't want to sound so self-absorbed), she attempts to be more of their 'protector', willing to stand by and defend her loved ones to her dying day, whether or not she does so with great success. She at least has peace in knowing that she has tried her best, and that's just about all she can do.

Along with the above facts, although she herself modestly does not think so, she seems to be at least one of the better sources of wisdom of the fairies. She certainly isn't a genius, but being so enveloped in books and learning throughout her lifetime, she has her fair share of knowledge and logic that she would be willing to instill on her fellow friends (with all helpful intention, of course). She's more than willing to be the voice of reason, the voice of enlightenment to help direct others toward a path down a life with a strong mind in their heads and a kind heart. As overly-pure as it sounds, it's very true that she wouldn't want anyone to wind up ill-fated to a depressing, enraging, or otherwise negative life.

When it comes to her personality, one would probably describe it as 'friendly and gentle with a nugget of wisdom or aid hidden beneath'. However, she's not always just a pretty face when the moment comes to show why she wants to be the protector of the fairies and her friends. If you've provoked her or anyone she knows, she can turn on the defensive and attempt to turn the tides on her opponent. She isn't one to frequently get angry at anyone, nor will you ever see her enraged and yelling, yet on the same token, she knows when to unleash a moderately firm, perhaps even somewhat bitter tongue. That, and an unhappy smack over the head with her Star Stick if fighting is needed, of course.

Hey, if you want to defend, you've got to be able to do so. She knows that all too well.
Backstory: ((LAZY I'LL DO IT LATER.))
Anything Else?:

- She is a bookwoooooorm. She'll read anything, really! Books are pretty much her niche. Her favorite type of writing would be nonfiction of any kind, and her favorite genre being either of informative writing or romance novels.

- She can be a little motherly to younger children at times despite not really... being a mother lol. That may or may not include some of the younger/younger-at-mind fairies back home, too.

- Her hair is pretty long and huge. Also, waaaaavy. She doesn't... really use any hair care products on it, though, she just let it grow out and uses stuff from back home (specialized combs and natural minerals? idk) to make it healthy and pretty. :3

- Her birthday is on February 28th.

- The moon jewel on her forehead can be detached and isn't at all natural. She doesn't like taking it off, though, she thinks it looks pretty.

- Her Star Stick is the wand she's seen wielding in-game. It's pretty alright, but not as powerful as Lip's Stick (apparently because it didn't keep her from being brainwashed lol).

- The creatures in the Moon section of her homeland are called 'Payapaya' in the official site. She has quite a few of them back home, and later in the RP, she may bring one to the school as an NPC.

- She really aspires to be a teacher at the school one day. When she graduates, she's more than willing to take up Literature or English class if neither of them are taken.

- She likes rambling sometimes. BD; Wall of text wall of text.

In-Character 3rd person writing post:

Selene was certainly excited to be going to this school! All she could do as she went all and about her home on her Moonland, packing and preparing, was let her mind rush with so much thrilling feeling about how this place would be like. She's only ever been outside of the forest to collect some certain books that she couldn't just find here (hey, the forest didn't feel and really wasn't exactly modern at all), and nothing much more other than that. The fact that it was a new, modern setting was something to experience, something that she would probably never forget!

"Pallet," She spoke up, looking down at one of the Payapaya creatures, to whom she referred to as 'Pallet', who was currently visiting her. The poor thing wanted to say goodbye to her before she left the next day to head to Final Destination City. It looked up at her with beady eyes as she continued to talk to it. "This school is far different from anywhere else I've ever been. The only thing it possibly resembles might just be the libraries I've gone to in my past," She chuckled a little, but it quickly faded as she looked out and up at the stars.

"I think... I'll be happy there. It wouldn't take me too long to meet new friends and see some new places. I'll be able to settle in well, I believe," She then turned around and bent down to pat the little guy on its head, to which it responded with a friendly chirp. "And I know I'll have somewhere to come back to if I ever find myself unable to stay," She reassured it with a smile. "Besides... I think I'll do fine. Especially if what the Queen has said about Lip being there. I'm sure if she might like the place, I must be able to, as well."

The Payapaya spoke up to her in its own set of chirps and cheeps, waving its hands around. It seemed to think it was proud of her, and that it would miss her very much. She stayed kneeled and took it into her arms to hug it, the last one before her farewell, surely. Once they parted, it waved over to Selene and exited through the window.

Needless to say, this was a little bittersweet. Quite, actually. But she knew somewhere in her heart that this might be for the best.

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal):

From what I've read before, this school is one of the biggest schools, if not, possibly the biggest near this city. It comes to no surprise that I'd consider coming here. It's very vast, full of many faces I've never thought I would even see before. There were even some odd creatures I've caught sight of in the forest near here! They resembled caterpillars, almost. They were fascinating, but I don't think they're exactly the same as the average caterpillar bug. Perhaps I should read them up sometime, hm~ I know I have plenty of reading time in store for me.

I hope to learn plenty in this school~ This place is very much bigger than any I have seen in the forest of which I came from. We only had some small homes in my section where the moon and stars shine so brightly, at the very least. Nothing at all as tall and expansive as this building and the surrounding others are! There is... the stadium, the school itself, the dormitory complex providing housing to many... and so on. At least that is what the books have taught me. I'll need to learn further about this school~ Perhaps a tour would do? Haha, perhaps so!~

Ahhh, I apologize for talking for so long. I'm in such awe at the moment that it's hard not to go on just a little bit. I hope the people here are accepting of a fairy of my type! Which reminds me, I suppose I have to introduce myself. I nearly entirely forgot amidst my excitement over my arrival and coming to the facility.

My name is Selene, and I am the Fairy of the Moon. It is a pleasure to be here, Sumabura Gakuen! That's an awfully unique name, not like anything I've ever even heard before. It does have a nice tone to it, though~ I am enlisting as a senior. Would anyone be willing to direct me to the school's library, if we have one here? I'm an avid fan of reading and books, and well, I simply couldn't go without having some reading material. So... if no one would mind, please?

character test, selene, app

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