((OOC: Here we go, DR log to make even more sure that I can handle Sneasel in actual logs. \o/ Since this is the DR and anything can happen, let's just say this comes after her last DR entry and she had somehow found a way to become human by now or something. That's just to make it easy for humans to understand her. Her being a Pogeymans now would just make this difficult.
Help with practicing her by logging with her would be VERY much appreciated! <333))
Characters: Sneasel, anyone who bumps into her
What: She goes out for a stroll as evening rolls around. Not too late, but not early enough for the sunlight to bother her. She hates that crap. >B[ Anyone who bumps into her is free to go to some place with her somewhere or something. (It'll help with my practicing!)
Where: Around FDC, starting not too far from the academy gates.
When: SOMEDAY. idk this is the DR this doesn't matter
Rating: PG? Shouldn't go too far unless someone with the filthiest mouth ever comes to bug her. 8D
The sun began to set... not fully, for the sun still peeped out a little, but it was more than enough for Sneasel to be able to handle at all. That was definitely enough, that being especially evident with the lack of her visor over her eyes to keep the light out of her face. Why she hated the sun was very obvious for two reasons: one, she was a Dark-type Pokemon. Of course she'd have an enhanced sensitivity to the light and anything like that, it would just make things all the more difficult for her in a life where most beings are out in the day. Secondly of all... well... most, if not all of her thieving was done at night, and that's the only time she was ever out and not holed up in her base or in a cave on her way back.
This was new. Too new. A change that she didn't really like at all. But hey, for the sake of a mission...
... yet, she had to admit this place wasn't so bad. It looked pretty... nice. But damn, what was the point of a living like this? Settling down in a sunny town, with a lot of people around, and nothing to steal! Pathetic. Though... it was interesting looking into the lives of these people, she had to admit.
... Pff! She didn't need that. She tip-toed out of the academy gates, in hopes that no one would spot her for the mere fact that she really didn't like this interaction deal. Then again, she had done it with other Pokemon for missions before... doing it with humans just to get into their crap wouldn't be so much more different, wouldn't it? They were just different beings, but they were still living and had minds. Not to mention, actually being one at the moment made that alikeness in a sense become even more clear.
She loosened her tension a little (that was a bad habit of hers since she usually went out only to steal, and yet right now, it wasn't for that intention at all yet), and started walking forward down the sidewalk. Hmm, not bad, not bad... maybe she'd get used to this. Not like she had to stay for long, anyway.