Had to get it out of my system. Damn you all.

Mar 19, 2009 20:47

In-Character Information
Name : The main female form is called Bob (Arceus). It's short for Robert and Roberta. Bob kinda forgot which one it picked first. Sometimes when she goes as a he, he likes to call himself Heather. Heather is short for...Heather. Heather looks like this.
Game/Series: Pokemon
Age & Grade Level: *~Timeles~*, Junior
Height:5'9 (Human) 10' (Pokemon)
Weight: 150 lbs (Human) 705.5 lbs.(Pokemon)

Bob is in always in a happy and joyous mood, skipping from class to class, never walking anywhere. Sometimes she floats, sometimes she floats with her head to the floor, but never, ever walking. You can tell when she comes in a room, as her bright smile somehow...manages to infect those near her. Bob is extremely adapt at creating peace and joy wherever she goes; it's a natural talent that she can't really explain (or she could, but won't bother). People say that if, merely by touching her, they can feel their problems go away, and she somehow makes it better. In reality, touching her might give you horrid flashbacks of the 1980's.

She is EXCITED to be at a learning institute, and with energy to spare, Bob cannot sit around for long before having to read, listen to music or touch things she shouldn't be touching. She gets into a lot trouble during her classes. She -always- sounds like someone who had way too much sugar that morning. It's probably true, as Bob claims she lives on diet of Pixy Stixs, PopRocks and Donuts.

She's very direct when she wants to be, knowing things that others don't (such as THE FUTURE) and saying things which, coming from someone else, might seem to be hurtful or mean spirited. Bob can't help it - she just really wanted to tell you that you should really get that doctor's medical done in a few weeks or else you might get really sick soon. Except, it might be better if she told you privately, instead of saying that during your class. No matter how many times it happens, Bob will somehow finds a way to not watch where she is going and slams into pretty much everything - walls, teachers, students, desks. She never seems to be too hurt or bruised.

Everything is done with a dash of naiveness. She craves new adventures and to see, touch, smell and taste the world around her. Dare her to lick a frozen metal pole and she will, if only to know what it's like to get her tongue stuck there. She treats most strangers with a kind regard, an over-energetic wave and a small smile. Most people meeting her for the first time might quietly wonder if she's retarded why she always seems to be off in her own world.

Bob is naturally curious. In less than polite terms, SHE ENJOYS SNOOPING AROUND WHERE SHE SHOULDN'T BE. Show her something interesting, and you might loose her for a few minutes as she looks at it oohing and aawing and probably making you feel uncomfortable. Put her in a room with a lot of science equipment and watch as she she somehow breaks half of it, while trying out things for herself. But it's okay, she'll have that all fixed up in no time flat! Just don't mind the black hole that reaches to the other side of the universe, she might have accidentally created that by mistake. No worries, it will disappear in a day or two!

In the beginning, the was a void. Then...there was Bob. And it was good.

No one really knows where Arceus came from, even Bob herself. If asked, she'll just giggle and mention something about how pretty the Big Bang looked, but it's hard to tell if she is just joking around or being serious. (Especially when she giggles and walks away only to slam right into a wall because she wasn't watching where she was going. DERP.)

During the early years of...pretty much everything ever, Arceus chilled a little bit everywhere and did some things that aren't really worth mentioning, or at least, SHE thinks they aren't important. Something about planets being born, babies floating in space and a giant black slab stone dumped in front of some monkeys. One day she got REALLY BORED and created Dialga, Palkia, Giratina (She named them Snap, Crackle, Pop). She had things to talk with! Life was a little less boring for a while, but Arceus found them a little bit too hardcore for her taste. To even this out, she then made a trio of *~whimsical fairies triplets~* or as everyone eventually would call them, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. (Bob herself named them Larry, Moe and Curly. )

Time continued. More planets appeared, blew up and were created again. Bob loved looking at planets. She would gaze at them whenever she could (which was...all the time) and dream of going there, only to go a few days later.

Arceus started to play favorites with one of them in particular, spending more and more time there, blending in with the humans that were slowly starting to populate it. She loved humans. In fact, she loved humans a lot! Sure they were kinda dumb sometimes and fought each other, also they wanted to name all of the Pokemon which she already had, but they could also do things like love and sing. Bob loved really good music. Especially as time went on, and they discovered how to use instruments.

Over the years and through the centuries, Arceus might have taken on a few human and Pokemon lovers during her many, many, many, many years in her life, but never fathered or mothered any children. Well, with someone else, anyway. “I already have too many of them”, she would tell them, giggling, poking them on the nose. Life was good, humans were pretty cool even if they had very short lifespans. Bob was happy!

Then a few thousand years or so later, the 1980's came and Arceus decided it was quite possibly the best era to live in, EVER. She was completely smitten. Everything was bright, happy colorful...the fashion! The music! The mustached men! She loved it so much she never wanted to leave. So Bob didn't. Even if time went on and it was now 2009. That was alright, a few years was like a drop of water for her. She looked...odd walking in the streets as time went by, but no one really gave her a second glance. She was just a strange girl, with strange habits, right? Certainly not a possible god of creation. No siree.

Bob decided to go to Sumabura mostly because, well, she wanted to learn things. Things it might already know, perhaps, but it would be ever so interesting to see what others thought and taught about it! Moreover, her internal Pokemon gayradar alerted her that many of them had gathered there. Besides, she was feeling RATHER BORED and KINDA LONELY and it sure beat creating another Legendary Trio again, which seemed to be starting to piss off a lot of Pokemon scientists who couldn't keep up with them. (Good thing she hasn't told them about the 101 Time Lords, they'd have heart attacks, hahaha.)

So Arceus packed her bags (or had she always packed them, knowing she would go in the future?), headed of to Final Destination City and enrolled as a Junior Student because the idea of her teaching anything would send anyone into a world of total madness.

Anything Else?:
  • Bob listens to 80's music nearly exclusively. Her favorite musicians are Ah-Ha, Madonna, Bonny Tyler, Frankie Goes To Hollywoord, George Harrison and Bon Jovi. She has an extensive vinyl collection, and a music player that makes scratching noises. She doesn't have the heart to repair it.
  • She changes types using slap bracelets in her human forms. Bob wishes that her Pokemon form allowed her to do that too, IF ONLY SHE HAD HANDS INSTEAD OF HOOVES. What do you mean she could use her mind powers, that would be cheating.
  • She does the best Robot Dance ever. EVER. (She probably invented the robot dance)
  • Loves Star Wars, Star Trek, Star Wolf, Star Fox...Anything with Star. Even Ringo Star.
  • She likes guys with mustaches and mutton chops. Facial hair is a turn on. Unless you are a girl. That's more of a turn off, sorry.
  • She loves the sounds of wind instruments and tends to appear hanging around when someone starts playing.
  • Her entire room side is decorated with Carebears, Glowworms, Lava Lamps, and maybe a few She-Ra and He-man figurines. There is barely any room to sleep on her bed. Bob taped a bunch of glow-in-the-dark stars all over her side of the wall, and likes to shine a lamp for a few minutes then closing the lights and giggling (“Light goes on.” “Light goes off!”). Very often.
  • Bob's hair and facial markings appear when she is hit or doused in hot water. When she uses cold water, her hair turns white again, and her facial markings disappear. Sometimes she likes to wash her hair at different temperatures on each side, or use a hot towel to color in only part of her markings.
  • She has a nicknames (or what she calls their “real names”) for every Legendary ever.
  • BOB CREATED THE UNIVERSE! ...maybe! Who knows really. ...She's not telling.

Like, totally hello, Sumabura!

My name is Bob! Some humans, like, call me Arceus! Radical huh? I think it's their scientific name for me, but I don't like it very much. I do like science a lot, however! Is there a science lab here? I like science labs. Very...scientific. I love pressing buttons!

So! Call me Bob. I like Bob. It is a very nice name.

So there was, like, this giant hand that I talked with before coming here! He's really nice isn't he? I think I never thought about non-Pokemon being able to turn into humans, it's really radical!

Well, I'm off to explore, see if I can find some old friends staying here. I think I saw old Abbott in the halls a few minutes ago! I'll check out your messages when I get back!

See you!

this will never be, fake, for fun, i hate you all

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