Mar 19, 2009 16:50

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Essay/Michie
Are you over 15?: durr 8U
LJ username: buttcones_inc
Time Zone: -5 GMT
AIM: AndWarBegan, historicairshow, and mushi no ou, take your pick.
Tegaki: Happy Go Yogurt
Anything Else?: buzzzzzz

In-Character Information
Name: Hachimitsu, Combee
Game/Series: Pokemon (Specifically Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.)
Age & Grade Level: About 12 years old, freshman.

Personality: Combee is, in a nutshell, like your average loyal child that would cling to her parent(s) or guardian(s) like mad. She's very clingy to people, whether they be younger (in which they feel reminiscent to siblings) or older (in which they feel more like 'leaders'). Being so used to colonies, she sees an organization like Sumabura Gakuen as one huge beehive with a bunch of little bees (headmaster being the queen, err, king bee, faculty being hard-working defender bees, and students being little happy bumblebees). Because of that, she's pretty organized, and can have people fall into those three little groups she's made for things like that. She makes bee colonies in her head out of a lot of things. This, in turn, has made her pretty clean and such in general (such as keeping her dorm room clean and organized and being a hard working girl).

She knows she's harmless. Boy, does she know after the experiences she's had! She sees herself as working only in the non-violent way and not as a fighting Combee. Despite this, though, if she feels the need is REALLY important for her to fight by instinctive ways (such as defending superiors), she WILL do it. However, her harmlessness by body has made her act and seem harmless by nature. She's gentle and tiny, showing off a naturally cutie-pie charm and anti-violence demeanor overall. This can, in turn, make her seem pretty kid-like, on top of the fact that she's very much into kid-like things. Building blocks, toys, you name it. It can make her seem like more of a tiny child at heart.

However, when her 'duty' calls for defending superiors, she gets... very... ahem. Aggressive. But her child-like ways get in the direction of that, as well, making it look more like she's throwing a tantrum ... along with some angry bee behavior dosage at the side (angry buzzing, making movements and such as if she were in a swarm, etc). Getting really mad, bawling a little, throwing punches and stuff, that sort of thing. At least that's the case in human form. In normal form, she very much just buzzes like MAD and will fight you, bra. Expect bug bites everywhere. ... Weak little bug bites, but bug bites nevertheless.
Backstory: Combee, albeit quite the harmless little lolibee, went through a lot in such a short span that she would call her whole life. She was born to a Vespiquen, along with plenty of her other brothers and sister to defend her Sweet Honey Hive in one of Sinnoh's vast forests. This was one strong colony of little bees, making such a nice, big wall to defend their queen... when they weren't out scrounging for honey, that is. Combee was definitely one adventurous Pokemon, buzzing about to any pollen-bearing flower or sugar source she could to make as much honey as possible for her and her family. It didn't really seem to get better.

Until... a few bug catchers had stumbled upon the hive with some net balls, hellbent on catching a lot of Combees, and maybe even their Vespiquen leader. The Combee scattered about and, with orders from their queen, attacked with all the force they had. Unfortunately, though, these trainers had their secret weapons on their side--plenty of Beedrills they had trained for this moment. It was an all-out bee war, the larger number of Combees vs. the smaller amount of Beedrills. It was like comparing the Persian army to the 300 Spartans in this case, sadly, for the Beedrills were easily overpowering Vespiquen's tiny bee babies. This... pissed her off. Badly. She went in and started taking down some Beedrills herself, and about 3 of them fell... before one of the bigger bee's Poison Sting took her out.

... one of the trainers got dibs on her and captured her with ease. Combee, like the rest of her kind around her, was struck with guilt and confusion... confusion on what to do. The three parts of her had no one to defend anymore. No leader. And she needed a leader. Without guidance, poor Combee just felt at an immense loss... and was harmless without being able to form with her siblings right now to make another solid wall. Plus these Beedrills were swarming them and taking down her siblings, a lot of which were getting caught, others of which were just... entirely taken down. Maybe even killed.

A Beedrill finally pointed its attention on her and attacked it immediately with a good one-two from its Twineedle attack. Being the weak and defenseless little bee she was, she immediately fell, injured and needing medical attention. Her state... made the Beedrill quickly feel kind of guilty, looking at its trainer as kind of relentless and rude to just make him try to kill this cute little Combee. He, not without a sting to the arm for his now-former trainer, took Combee and flew off into the forest, willing to take her in with him and take care of her. Hmm, now what could heal a Combee? Hmmm... how about some of those nearby Oran Berries? Yeah. That would do. Gently knocking them down from the trees, he urged Combee to eat some... those of which greatly helped her. And they were good. Veeeery good!

So Combee and Beedrill went about, Beedrill acting as a 'leader' of sorts for the little bee, which was just what she needed. She buzzed about and still collected honey for herself and Beedrill, enjoying their time together for a couple of years. A few trainers did come by to try to catch them, but Beedrill warded them off to defend his little dearie every time.

... until one finally did catch the duo. Thankfully, though, they weren't separated, and the trainer was... very nice. He immediately gave them some poffins he had made and introduced them to his other Pokemon: a Starly, a Shinx, and a Diglett. It made them feel... safe. It made Combee feel like she had her new leader, her trainer, and Beedrill had now become more of a... brother of sorts. Brother Beedrill who had helped her through thick and thin since she got separated from her brothers, sisters, and mother. How sweet was that? Very. Sweet as honey, as lame as that sounded.

Her trainer was quite the traveler, and one day, had wound up taking a boat ride all the way to a new region, farther out on the planet. They had encountered a certain forest near the outskirts of Final Destination City, that of which he left Combee and his Pokemon to some spring water while he went to find some berries. So they waited. Waited. Waiiiited... Waited for a day or two... but their trainer hadn't returned. Where had he gone? Why was it taking so long for him just to find berries? All of the Pokemon were scared, but willing to band together to find their trainer. Combee, especially. She was tiny and couldn't cause much harm, but it was in her instinct to defend the one she wanted to and was dedicated to.

They had decided to split ways and return to the springs in an hour if they hadn't found him. They agreed to that, and went on their separate ways. Combee had been out for the whole hour, maybe a little more as she tried to look... but to no avail. No trainer. He was NOT anywhere to be found. She returned to the springs...

Only to find an Ariados rummaging through one of the bags her trainer left behind, and there were some trails of string shot spread about... and... puddles of expelled toxin. Beedrill toxin. She heard a female's voice call out for the Ariados... and it scattered off into its direction. Combee waited again. Waited. Beedrill never returned. Starly had, but vowed he wouldn't stop searching until their trainer was found, and left again. This time, Starly didn't return again. Shinx disappeared, too. Diglett... had returned as a Dugtrio. But its demeanor had change since it was the kind and sweet Diglett she knew... it had turned rough and tough, not caring much to find their trainer again as it thought he abandoned them, and went his separate ways for Combee.

Combee was alone.

The sad little bee just buzzed about and searched around, trying to find her way out of the forest... and eventually, she found a strange building. Sumabura Gakuen. What was this place?... How weird. Well... might as well see if they knew where her trainer was, right? She went in and decided she'd ask around, not knowing that this place... would start to mean more to her than she thought it would...
Anything Else?:

-- This is little lolibee's human form. The two Combee combs acting as 'pigtails' on her head are ... well... attached to her scalp and living lol. 8U; And they are very sensitive, so only soft touches are comfy on them. For that reason, she can't go to sleep or lay down in human form without scalp discomfort and angry buzzing bee-combs, so she can ONLY rest and sleep in normal form. The Combee pieces can't act for themselves since the main Combee (the one affected by humanization) is the main thinker for all three combs, so her thoughts pretty much control the other heads. So each head doesn't have its own personality or anything at all and just have one central nervous system, unlike those of Doduos/drios and Exeggcutes.

-- Speaking of the little head-combs, in human form, they can allow Combee to hover above ground, but not too high. Probably only a few inches upward l-lol, those little wings can't carry a lot of weight. In normal form, though, she can fly very freely.

-- Combee LOVES HONEY. AND SUGAR. And just anything really sugary and sweet/can be turned into/is honey or something syruppy (pollen, sap, etc). She spends a lot of her time outside just to gather pollen and sweety goodness.

-- ... Yet on the contrary, she really hates chocolate for some reason. Its richer, darker, deeper flavor kind of sickens her.

-- Combee is the kind to look up to her older superiors, so if you're a teacher/faculty member/adult/Pokemon trainer, she'll probably love you no matter WHAT your attitude or demeanor is and will listen to anything you say like an obedient little bee. (Maybe even have cute little innocent puppy-- err, bee crushes. Just really little cutesy ones.)

... yes, Falcon, that means she will probably love you, too. Sorry.

-- ... and if she loves you that much, she'll probably be really hellbent on keeping you safe. To the point of it being overly so and putting herself in danger sometimes, probably.

-- Her only attacks are Gust, Sweet Scent, and Bug Bite. Her ability, Honey Gather, allows her to ... well... gather honey very easily after a battle. Deerrrr.

-- As she types and talks, she buzzes in her speech.

-- This little loli also likes really kiddish things like patty-cake and drawing with crayons. And music with harps and glockenspiels and stuff. She even misspells some words sometimes. Teehee.

-- Despite being so kiddish, though, she does have enough smarts to be a freshman, though. She's just. a cutesy little kidbee okay. 8U

In-Character Example Post:

bzzzzbzzzzz th-this is a really big plase bzz bzz... big beehive, big people all over, big bees! very big big bees! bee people. big--... wait i found honey. okay i'm back i got the honey. yummy honey...

hi bees!... where am i? its really scarie, um... my honey makes me feel better though... has anyone seen a big boy buzz? he has black hair and green cloths, he is a very big boy! bzz... it makes me sad, i wish i could find him again... everyone else couldn't find him. and i found more honey wait! okay i got it. sorry.

i'm combee and hi. pressing these buttons with my head things feels weird, they remind me of other bees the way they're shaped. buzzz. can anyone help me look for the big boy? he's my trainer. can i stay here until i find him? pretty please? if you be nice, i'll give you some honey. i have a lot. can you all make honey because i can make honey see?

i found more, hold on

((... I would also enjoy criticism on her because I'm thinking of apping her. Maybe. :V;; Is she too much like Hoji (that of which I'm DESPERATELY trying to avoid, I wouldn't think she's a lot like her in some ways because Hoji's ... super... peppy and wall-of-texty) and what should I change?))

combee, for fun, oh god i'll never get a fifth slut

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