lol (so many parentheses ) I'm like E.E. Cummings (but without the talent )

May 06, 2008 17:25

Sometimes I love being Asian so much it hurts.

Case in point: While in the checkout line at one of the bajillion korean supermarkets surrounding me (hello 5 bunches of green onions for 99¢!) I spied THIS amazing treat:

LMAO so of course I buy it, even though I know that korean chocolate is totally nothing special. But the thought of crunky candy was a little too much for me to pass up on. lol, I have to wonder if the executives of the junkfood division of Lotte have ANY idea of how friggin funny that is. But maybe they do. After all, this IS the company that created Lotte World, the greatest shopping mall/amusement park/skating rink/wedding chapel/island/folk museum/etc complex (all connected by monorail, of course) in the world (lol, no joke, wedding chapel, that cracks my shit up), so CLEARLY they know what they're doing.

Sure, I might have been a bit disappointed that the crunkiness in question refers to rice kripies and not a judicious combination of alcohol and weed, but you can't have everything. After all, what would we aspire to? Necessity is the mother of invention and all that.

ANYWAYS. I'm in a MUCH better mood (thanks awfully for the nice comments on my boo-hoo-hooingness of my past entry). I had a nice Cinco de Mayo of tequila, so that was good (as you well know, I have a deep fondness for all fake holidays that result in drunkeness). And today I used up all my daily calories on a super healthy meal consisting of bag of pita chips and an entire container of houmous (yes, I spell it like that after being told in no uncertain terms by a very irate Lebanese man that THAT'S how it's pronounced, and as I buy into the hype that all middle-eastern people are to be feared, I instantly obeyed him), so yay for my future constipation.

i thought it was hilarious, photos: misc, just an update

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