title: Fearless; part 1/?
sbeiste aka tangerine
rating: pg (for now)
characters/pairings: quinn, santana, tina, sam/kurt
disclaimer: i don't own, blah blah
warning: none
author notes: this was requested by
allison, who wanted some lovely pre-kum. it was meant to be a oneshot but i decided it'd be better in parts. mostly because i don't feel like writing it all at once :P
summary: Sam realizes what this strange feeling he's been feeling is, and jumps into a sticky situation to try and prove himself wrong.
I want him.
Sam felt his face flush as realization swept over him. This feeling that had been haunting him ever since…hell, ever since he joined New Directions. It had settled in the pit of his stomach, right there inside where his ribcage ended and it had felt like an extra organ or something, just this feeling he couldn't shake off or work out, and now that he knew what it was… It was heavier, tainted by dread and shame and embarrassment.
He'd never felt so strongly for anyone.
He chewed on his bottom lip as he watched Kurt move his hips along with the music, shifting uncomfortably in his chair.
God it feels good to be out of that uniform.
Kurt was working out the steps to a new song, his assignment for the week for Glee Club. And he'd never thought he'd be so happy to have a weekly assignment for Glee, but here he was, a smug smile on his face that he couldn't erase. He felt so much more comfortable in his own clothes, he was so much happier to stand out here than to be one of the flock there. So he danced, doing a little twist, and for a moment he caught a pair of green eyes and his steps faltered. He cleared his throat and tried again, nodding to himself as he got them right. He smiled and looked back up at his group. "And that's how it's done," he said, gesturing for them to come join him on the floor and try the steps out themselves.
Santana, Quinn, and Sam left their seats and came to join Kurt and Tina (who were in charge of choreography) in the center of the classroom. Sam tried following the steps, but he tripped a few times and every time the tempo of the song changed he lost his step again. They were working on some sort of ridiculous medley whatever Mr. Schue had called it. They each chose a song and then put them all together. It actually sounded pretty cool but choreographing it was a bitch. Sam was glad Kurt and Tina had taken it over.
Step, step, twist, step, toe, step, heel, step.
He frowned in concentration as he moved his feet and Kurt counted out the steps, and he tried to watch Tina instead of Kurt but it wasn't really happening. It didn't help that Kurt was standing directly in front of him, and once when he realized he was staring at the boy's ass he flushed scarlet and almost fell over, having completely missed his step and tripped over his own feet.
"A little more work and we'll have it," Kurt said, smiling as he looked at his watch. Their practice was over, and Tina reminded them to practice at home as they dispersed. Sam found himself lingering, torn between talking to Kurt and running from the room as he shouldered his backpack. Instead he took a few steps over to where Santana was looking at herself in a compact mirror.
"What's up Biebs?" she asked without looking at him.
He shrugged, pretending it didn't still bother him when people referred to him as Justin Bieber. "Um, you like Breadstix, right? Because I've been like…craving some bread sticks… Wanna go?" It was a total lie, and some small voice inside him was screaming at the part that had told it. What are you doing you don't even like Santana!
She gave him a once-over, looking thoroughly unamused but finally she agreed. "Sure, I'm always up for some sticks," she said, shrugging, and Sam couldn't help but notice she cast a hateful glare in Quinn's direction. "So when are we talking, like now?"
"Um, sure if you want." He tried to smile at her like he would if…he liked her or something. She put her mirror away and held out her bag to him. He took it hesitantly and Santana turned and led him out of the choir room.
He glanced at Kurt as he left, who was bent over fitting his music binder into his bag, and immediately regretted it. He bit his lip and chanced a look at Santana's ass as she walked ahead of him. Those cheer skirts left little to the imagination and he let himself wear a little grin and think a little dirty thought to push away the image of Kurt in his mind.