Finding Inspiration in Every Day

May 13, 2012 22:12

I just had to share this once I saw it because it's just that touching to me. Thanks go to akichuu for posting it in jrock_trsl, or I'd never have seen it.

This is a link to the 5/13 blog entry for Rui, bass player of SCREW. --> Entry here

It's a very brief post, but very powerful. The flowers in the photo are a Mother's Day tribute to his mother, who has passed on. Akichuu's translation helpfully tells us that he visited his mother's grave to briefly show his face and have a conversation with her. He also reassured fans that he was ok.

I think this post is just as inspirational as it is heartbreakingly sad. How very special his fans must be to him that he would want to share his mother and this moment. How very special his mother must have been for inspiring her son.

Here's to honoring mothers everywhere, wherever they may be.

Blog summary posted with permission from akichuu.

rui, inspiration, screw

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