Nov 29, 2009 22:05
Since so many things have been happening in our lives, I figured I'd jump in and do one of these things and fill everyone in on the excitement of my life....
NAME: Caitlin
AGE: 26
LOCATION: Just south of Yosemite National Park, CA
OCCUPATION: K-8 Special Education Teacher - Emotionally Disturbed
PARTNER: My amazingly loving husband, Phil
KIDS: Don't tease me... I say now, family says wait one more year, gotta see what doctor says in a few weeks...
BROTHERS/SISTERS: Amy, Nicholas, Sarah (Sister-in-Law), Brenda (Sister-in-Law) and Mike (Brother-in-Law-in-Law), Jessica, and Judd (Brother-in-Law soon, we hope!)
PARENTS: My Mom is amazing!!!
PETS: Oberon, King of Whatever He Wishes to be King Of! Titania, Queen Grumpy Butt and Occasional Pissy Missy but Pretty Mama Girl too! And Puck, Dopey Lassie-Impersonator and Alarm Clock Kitty!
1. I had gastric bypass surgery (weight loss surgery) on July 31, 2009. Since then (well, as of November 23) I am 95pounds lighter. Its been a journey and a struggle - sometimes it seems to easy and other times its been terribly trying and frustrating. We spent our first anniversary in the hospital attached to all sorts of machines - but things appear to be fixed up right finally and I'm doing well!
2. I want babies! However, I have to speak to my doctor first (see Big Thing #1) to see if I am able to begin trying to conceive. We'll wait if its medically necessary - but I've wanted babies for years and am really beginning to have a hard time being logical about the whole thing.
3. My family is the most amazing group of people I have ever met! Despite all our ups and downs, we stick together and support one another like you wouldn't believe. A lot of shit has happened to many of us in the last 12-15months - but we keep on fighting and leaning on each other and we're getting through it all!
4. My holiday shopping will be finished as of tomorrow! Probably there will be a few small things left to pick up after tomorrow, but for the first time in my LIFE the shopping will be done more than 2days in advance (my previous record). I'm finally getting a grasp on this "being an adult" thing - sometimes it isn't so bad. :-D
Phil, Amy, Nicholas, Jessica, Sarah, Brenda, Danielle, Josh