Title: Let's Blow This Town* Rating: R. Spike's a cussy one. Setting: Post-Chosen Word Count: 287 Prompt: Doublemeat Palace Summary: Sometimes the past comes back to bite you in the ass. Unless you feed it something worth eating. ( Read more... )
Hee, I kind of like the idea that that's what they do with Sunnydale - a commercial dystopia isn't something that's been done... Also aww & sadface though: this is really nice. :)
She’s a little harder now, his slayer, but she’s happier too and this… DM will never be Buffy's favorite place - too much unhappiness there. Spike was thoughtful to leave.
Comments 7
They're so broken - and so touching...
DM will never be Buffy's favorite place - too much unhappiness there.
Spike was thoughtful to leave.
the kid will be the size of a couch giggle.
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