'A Thousand Ships Have Sailed' by Quinara.

Jul 24, 2011 23:00

This is another fic for my series of phone conversations between Spike and Buffy during/after AtS Season 5, where they're trying to build some sort of long distance relationship. This one's a bit gloomy, set a short while after NFA, PG for language but not including any content that would require a warning on AO3. 1000 words on the nose, ( Read more... )

creator: quinara, setting: post-series, medium: fic

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Comments 17

slaymesoftly July 24 2011, 22:26:39 UTC
Oh, ouchie! Are you going to quickly write another one to make this better?


quinara July 24 2011, 22:29:20 UTC
I think I might need to! Fluff hasn't been fixing my mood recently, but hopefully now this is out of my system I can get some brighter Spuffy in my head again...


gryfndor_godess July 24 2011, 22:48:01 UTC
Sad, but I really like your Iliad metaphor. It seems like something Spike would think at one point or another. I like how Dawn has to explain, too.


quinara July 24 2011, 23:26:54 UTC
Oh, thanks. I think Dawn is vital for certain points of interpretation when it comes to Buffy-Spike communication. :D


missus_grace July 25 2011, 16:22:01 UTC
“I need your help - Drunk Spike’s gone Giles on me. Helen of Troy? Paris? Twat? Husband?”

Great line!

This is typical Spike - so insecure...a long-distance phone relationship is never going to be enough for him. He's too physical, too tactile.


quinara July 26 2011, 21:42:18 UTC
Thank you! I don't think a long distance relationship is what Spike (or Buffy) would pick in the long term either, but I think they're willing to go with it when it happens as a stop-gap measure. (Fluffily, I also think of them as being still too caught up in each other to really be on the look out for anyone else; not to mention the cynical point that I think they're both so busy and have such limited enough social circles that they don't have the time or the opportunity to meet people attractive enough to make them question the benefits of keeping their relationship ticking over... Which works out for them!)


bogwitch July 25 2011, 22:40:21 UTC
So Spike has hhooked up with Angel because he's weak? I thpought this was a spuffy community?


quinara July 26 2011, 21:43:43 UTC
Stop causing trouble, you! I don't know how you got that reading out of this...


relurker July 26 2011, 06:43:11 UTC
I loved it very much! Your drunk-Spike-speech is absolutely brilliant, and you had Buffy in what I think is her best "Slayer mode": big crisis, apparently untenable situation, so she improvises, gets any help and/or information out of thin air (...or in this case Dawn :)), makes the best possible use of it in two seconds flat.
Then it's still all very sad and heartbreaking, but so beautiful!


quinara July 26 2011, 21:47:21 UTC
Oh, thank you! I'm really glad you think it's in character. It's a bit sad, but I'll confess that as usual I finished this and found myself querying it, going over, 'OK, so I can see what makes Spike my Spike here, but is this really Buffy? What are my thoughts on Buffy that this depends on?' I wasn't quite sure, but I think you've nailed it on the head, so hooray! I love Buffy at her most pragmatic and responsive, so I'm thrilled that that came out. :D


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