Everything Would be What it Isn't

May 27, 2011 22:34

Title: Everything Would be What it Isn't
Rating: pg-13
Prompt: The Jabberwocky
Setting: early seasons
A/N: There was worldbuilding. But it turns out that 1000 words just isn't enough for worldbuilding and storytelling. Who knew. Anyway, I actually do have an explanation for everything that happens, and if you want to know ( Read more... )

medium: fic, setting: b2, setting: b1, creator: smells_corrupt

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Comments 24

gryfndor_godess May 28 2011, 06:27:31 UTC
The idea of the Scoobies and certain Fang Gang members (there can never be too much Lorne appreciation) working together is great, and I love the ending, staring from "And Lorne may need." The last line is especially hilarious and adorable.


smells_corrupt May 28 2011, 06:34:39 UTC
Thanks! I had so many backstory plans for this, and then I remembered the word limit... I'm glad it was enjoyed.


moscow_watcher May 28 2011, 09:25:27 UTC
I'm in love with your story. So much imagination! Such a great plot, clever use of canon, great character voices. Brilliant!


smells_corrupt May 28 2011, 09:54:02 UTC
Wow. Thank you!


shapinglight May 28 2011, 10:48:12 UTC
Ooh, very nice AU, because it skews sideways from canon so well.


smells_corrupt May 29 2011, 03:52:21 UTC


quinara May 28 2011, 11:03:29 UTC
Hee!! Oh, this is such a great AU, I love it. Spike voluntarily going against his nature, Buffy being violent with beans, Lorne being Lorne - it's all excellent. :D

I'm curious about the reason Angel and Dru lost their souls (did they find happiness together??! :O ), and would love to know the answer!


norwie2010 May 28 2011, 15:09:21 UTC
I imagine pennance/forgiveness. I see Angel loosing his soul easily if his most monstrous creation forgives him. (That, plus virgin-sex: He's soulful Dru's first, i assume...)


snickfic May 28 2011, 17:26:10 UTC
I figured the magic had gone bad somehow and all the good, soulled vampires had gone to the dark side. Probably some scheme of Ethan, who doesn't appreciate being forced, you know.

At least, that's what my mind filled in the blanks. *g*


smells_corrupt May 29 2011, 04:05:13 UTC
Thank you! In my head, the reason they lost their souls was that Angel, after feeling so alone for so many years finally had someone who understood how it felt and the fact that Drusilla could forgive him and empathize with him pushed him over the edge. And for Dru, she finally got the apology she wanted and she had genuine affection from "daddy" that wasn't violent or cruel. They already have the whole sire/sired bond going and now being two souled vampires strengthens it. I was picturing it as kind of like their relationship in S2 but the opposite. Dru becomes good and they grow closer over atonement instead of Angel going bad and bonding over violence. Angel and Buffy don't have a relationship, so the first person Angel really loves is the souled drusilla, and she's always loved him so when they finally get around to the loving, soulful sex they both end up with perfect happiness. Does that make sense? After I wrote it out it seems kind of odd and convoluted...


snickfic May 28 2011, 13:55:52 UTC
Ohhhhh! This is fabulously excellently wonderful, and there needs to be much more of it! I adore wacky AU's from canon like this, and this is a doozy. Ethan, the uncomfortable truce with Spike, Dru with a soul (I'm always intrigued to see this concept), Lorne... It's wonderful. I would dearly love to see an expansion of this or a sequel or something.


smells_corrupt May 29 2011, 04:11:09 UTC
Thank you so much! I could probably turn this into at least novella length, with just the stuff in my head that I couldn't use to write this. I'm neurotic about AUs and making sure I can explain the why of things, so I actually have an absurd amount of notes for a story that's only 1000 words. On the other hand, I have no time, and not much plot. But there's a pretty good chance this will get expanded someday.


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