In Strength We are Stronger.

Sep 03, 2010 20:16

Heh, another 500 words from me (limits are tricky!), set between Intervention and Tough Love, for the Magic Box. I'll warn you now, I'm not entirely sure what this fic's about or why I've given it this silly title.

In Strength We are Stronger. )

creator: quinara, medium: fic, setting: b5

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Comments 50

hello_spikey September 3 2010, 19:41:59 UTC

I just love it when they find common ground and come together like that. And yay for Buffy's strength!


quinara September 3 2010, 20:52:27 UTC
*fans you*

Definitely yay! I'm thrilled you like it. :)


fangfaceandrea September 3 2010, 19:52:12 UTC
Hmm hesitant Spike and agreeable Buffy make a pretty picture in my head :)


quinara September 3 2010, 20:53:19 UTC
Mine too (I seem to be in a nervous Spike phase, the dear dear woobie). :D


petzipellepingo September 3 2010, 19:55:01 UTC
They took a breath together

And so it begins, always side by side.


quinara September 3 2010, 20:53:29 UTC
Definitely. :D


rebcake September 3 2010, 19:59:33 UTC
Very Buffy, that if things don't look right from her perspective, she simply turns them on their heads. ;-)

Two warriors honing their focus in preparation for the coming battle is an incredibly moving image for me. Great job!


quinara September 3 2010, 20:55:24 UTC
Absolutely! She is both practical and sometimes literal. :D

Thank you! It's nice to move. :)


thisficklemob September 3 2010, 20:07:52 UTC
Whatever it is, I really really like it.

This is an aspect of Buffy we don't often see. And yet, it must be there, or else none of the times she meditated into a trance -- during her Cruciamentum, or doing Tirer La Couture(?) -- would have worked as they did, to put her into a trance, or even into an almost clairvoyant state. So Buffy, underneath the rest of her persona, is so a Jedi. *g*


quinara September 3 2010, 20:59:56 UTC
Hooray! Thanks for saying so. :)

And Buffy is totally a jedi... That scene at the beginning of Real Me always stuck in my head, because, like you say, there's no way Buffy could be ditzy all the time and still pull off some pretty hardcore meditative techniques. Not to mention that things like the Bot and her chi energy at the start of S6 and Travers in Checkpoint seem to imply that Giles probably grounded a lot of Buffy's training (even if not explicitly) in East Asian martial arts.


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