Ficlet: Don't Turn Your Back On Me

Apr 26, 2011 19:27

Title Don’t Turn Your Back On Me
Author Brutti ma buoni
Prompt Black Magic Woman by Santana, who also donated the title from lyrics of same
Rating NC17 I think, given the warnings, though it’s not explicit
Words 375
Warnings There is brief, non-explicit non-con in this. Dark overall, sex, character deaths, plus some swearing to round it off.
Setting AU season 6. This kind of rips up every beloved Spuffy moment in that season and a bit of s7 in a tiny little package of destruction, for which I apologise. (I write fluff too, honestly...)

He knows the moment he sees her, descending the stairs all in perfect, perfectly-wrong white.

She came back wrong. That’s the thing with magic. There’s always consequences.

She doesn’t connect with her friends or her desperate little sister. Doesn’t sing when the demon musical’s in town. She doesn’t have an inside to hide and reveal any more. Not the human kind.

He’s not surprised when she seeks him out, drinking and swearing like his Buffy never would have. Not surprised when she fucks him against a wall, in an alley, on the balcony at the Bronze watching her friends only feet away, eyes dead and far gone from them and from him.

She’s not his Buffy. Not their Buffy. He’s the only one that sees it. They don’t sense that it’s more than shock, depression, distance. It’s about evil, and it’s about power. He thinks maybe something came along for the ride. Some kind of hitchhiker, maybe. A cuckoo demon that pushed out Buffy in the throes of the darkest magicks. Wherever Buffy is now, and he prays it’s far away, she’s not driving this body.

He’s not surprised when she calls the Initiative with a fakeout story about his chip malfunctioning. “He has a soul now,” she says, so pouty innocent. “He’s safe. Totally neutered.”

So believable. So Buffy.

He’s not surprised when the soldier boys do her bidding, and make him back into a monster.

He thinks he sees her aura, that night, though he’s not much truck with new age Wiccan crap on an ordinary day in his death. He sees it crawling with pus-green desire, seeking supremacy, slouching towards Bethlehem. He wants to vomit. She fucks him anyway, silencing his wrenching, retching rejection.

He’s not surprised when her eyes turn to gold even before he bites her; when they kill the Scoobies in the basement at Revello Drive; when she stands at black midnight on Kingman’s Bluff and starts to end the world.

The only thing that surprises Spike - the only thing after that one moment when he saw her descending the stairs in purest white and briefly believed that miracles could happen…

The only thing that surprises him is that in the end he kills her.


creator: brutti ma buoni, medium: fic, setting: b6

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