Drabble: Under Torture

Mar 15, 2011 22:10

Title: Under Torture
Warning: Fluffiest fluff
Words: 100
Prompt: forty lashes (Probably more than forty, in fact.)
Rating: PG
Setting: happy post-series Anywheretown

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setting: post-series, creator: brutti ma buoni, medium: fic

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Comments 20

norwie2010 March 15 2011, 22:20:08 UTC
Ticklish isn't even the word.

Thanks! :D


brutti_ma_buoni March 15 2011, 22:26:07 UTC
*g* You're totally welcome.


moscow_watcher March 15 2011, 22:35:22 UTC
Heee! The story absolutely made my day! (or, rather, night) *g*


brutti_ma_buoni March 15 2011, 22:42:54 UTC
Yay! Glad you liked it.


gryfndor_godess March 15 2011, 22:37:31 UTC
This is so cute!

He loves her like this, kittenish and funning, because it's such a conscious joke version of her true power. Shows her confidence in what they have that she's happy to play the ditsy wench for him, knowing she'll keep his respect after.

I would never have thought of exactly why (or been able to articulate) her playfulness could be such a turn-on and what it would mean, but you describe it perfectly. This is such a great use of 100 words.


brutti_ma_buoni March 15 2011, 22:44:36 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm glad it rings true.


quinara March 15 2011, 22:48:14 UTC
*snorfle* This is some fluffy fluff of awesome.


brutti_ma_buoni March 16 2011, 18:44:22 UTC
Heh. Powder-puff fluffy is a nice change at times!


slaymesoftly March 16 2011, 00:42:53 UTC
Hee! I almost didn't read it, thinking the torture warning was real - then I realized it was sb_fag_ends and took a peek. I likey.


brutti_ma_buoni March 16 2011, 18:45:06 UTC
*g* Glad you peeked!


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