Misc. prompts

Oct 30, 2015 12:42

Completely failed to participate this year in my favorite month of prompts. But I couldn't just not post something, so here's a fic that covers several prompts (if you look at it sideways...) Night at the Pub, Mystery Mask, Hershey kisses, maybe thrown voices? I dunno. It alludes to a bunch of stuff. Been so long since I've done one, I may or may not get it right....

Prompt: Night at the Pub
Title: Trick or Stake?
genre: fic
length:800 words
author: Slaymesoftly

Trick or Stake

“We havent’ had any adventures this Halloween,” Buffy said, her pout so obvious in her voice that Spike didn’t even need to look at her face. The small number of trick or treaters who’d ventured as far as their house at the end of a dark road had long since died to nothing.

“It has been a bit quiet for us,” he allowed, even as he continued to read.

Buffy heaved an overly loud sigh. “Do you remember when we fought those poltergiests? And then those… things… that put their hands all over us even when we couldn’t see them?”

Spike perked up and leered at her. “Now those were a bit of alright. My kind of haunts.”

“The point is,” she said with a glare that wasn’t all that sincere, “we had adventures every week! Sometimes two of them! And here it is, the day before Halloween, and we have nothing to show for it. Not even Willow’s teeny dragon.”

He put down his book and stood up. “All right, love. I can take a hint. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know…. just something. Something Halloweeny. I mean, come on, there’ve got to be spooky things out there waiting to be slayed.”


She narrowed her eyes. “Are you correcting my grammar again?”

“Nope. Not me. Wouldn’t dream of it… hey! Is that someone at the door?”

Buffy frowned. “It’s kind of late for trick or treaters, isn’t it?” She tucked a sword behind her back as she walked to the door.

“Don’t hear any heartbeats, love,” he said, moving into position just to the side of the door. “Can’t be vamps, though. They'd know better than to knock on this door.”

Buffy opened the door and gasped. “It could be,” she whispered, dropping the sword without even noticing. Facing her were three little kids, all in costume, and all holding out plastic pumpkins containing small pieces of candy. Buffy glanced at Spike. “No heartbeats? Are you sure?” she asked, even though her own senses were telling her the truth about the little cherubs staring at her.

“I’m sure. Probably shouldn’t ask them in.”

She glared at him. “Do I look stupid? Don’t answer that!” She glanced back down to the kids waiting expectantly. “What do you want?”

They blinked at her, then looked at each other. “Candy?” said the girl in the middle, dressed like Elsa from Frozen. “It’s Halloween. Don’t you have candy?”

“Candy? That’s all you want?” They nodded eagerly and held out their pumpkins.

Spike shoved a handful of Hershey kisses into her hands. “Here. Give them what they want.”

“But… they’re… I should…” She paused and stared back and forth between the three children. “Do you know who I am?” she demanded.

They glanced at each other, exchanging puzzled shrugs. “You’re Spike’s girlfriend,” Elsa said. “Aren’t you?”

Behind her back, Spike was shaking his head and making cutting motions across his throat. He gave Buffy a shit-eating grin when she turned around in time to catch him.

“Did you tell them to come here?”

He shook his head, explaining. “They really are just kids, love. Being raised by a non-blood-thirsty friend of mine. They aren’t hurting anyone.”

Buffy frowned, but began dropping candy into the containers. “Here. Don’t eat it all at once, you’ll make yourselves sick.”

“Thank you, Spike’s girlfriend,” they chorused as they began to leave. “You’re nicer than he said you’d be.”

Buffy slammed the door and turned around, ready to make Spike into a dust bunny, only to find herself pinned against the door with him nuzzling her ear.

“Thank you, Slayer. I know that was hard for you, but I promised the little imps they could be like normal kids for one night. I didn’t know they were going to come here. Thought I’d made it clear they should avoid….”

“Me?” she finished. “You told them to avoid me?” She didn’t push him away, but her body was rigid.

“Seemed like a good idea at the time.”

“And now?”

He sighed and let her go. “And now I reckon I’d better take you out to dinner at the pub and try to improve your mood if I’m to get any treats for myself tonight.” He licked his lips lasciviously.

“If you’re smart, you’ll get me drunk,” she muttered, putting her coat on never the less.

“I can do that,” he said, smiling as he held the door open for her. “If I have to, I can do that. And who knows? Maybe we’ll run across something slayable on the way there.” He pulled the door shut and followed her to the sidewalk.

“Be careful what you wish for, Vampire,” hissed a voice from behind a mask floating six feet off the ground. The mask floated along behind them as they strode toward the pub and a nice night out.
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