Prompt: Scoo-Be or Not Scoo-Be (AU)

Oct 29, 2015 14:18

Prompt:  Scoo-Be or Not Scoo-Be
Setting: Buffy the Ghoul Slayer AU, following this and this.
Rating: PG
Words: 360

Buffy the Ghoul Slayer was happy.  Spike had been back for a week now, and she knew for sure it was love.  True and lasting love.

The only fly in her ointment was her friends.  Buffy had convinced Xander to move his barbeque to the evening to accommodate Spike, as well as every other group activity since, and she had thought her friends had liked Spike.

(She hadn’t told them the complete truth about him, since she didn’t quite understand the vampire thing herself, but now she was glad she hadn’t.)

“Look, Buffy,” Willow said.  She and Xander had staged an intervention.  “It’s not that we don’t like Spike.  We do!  It’s just... there’s something...”  She looked helplessly at Xander.

“Something... predatory about him,” Xander said.  “Something... off.  No one person can drink that much tomato juice.  I’m just saying.  I mean, what do you really know about him?”

“I know he loves me, and he makes me happy,” Buffy said firmly.

Willow chewed her lip.  “And the, um?  The... marks?”

Buffy turned red, but she refused to be embarrassed about Spike’s love bites.  “He’s just very passionate.  And, hey, I don’t remember me staging an intervention when your new lovers turned out to be ‘different’,” she said, finger quoting the word.  “I didn’t say anything about Anya, even though she’s a foreigner and talks funny and is way too open about sexuality for us repressed, puritanical Americans,” she told Xander.  “Or turn on you went you decided you were into paganism and lesbianism now,” she told Willow.  “I was very open and welcoming to Anya and Tara.  I think Spike deserves the same.”

She stood up.  “If you love me, you’ll accept Spike.  And if you don’t - then you’re not really my friends and I don’t need you.”

Terrified though she was of losing their friendship, it was time she stood up to them and their controlling ways, and it was Spike who had given her the courage to do so.  Buffy marched out the door (it was her own house, but who was she to scorn a perfectly dramatic exit?), leaving Xander and Willow to stare after her in shock.

creator: spuffy_luvr, medium: fic, setting: au

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