Mano A Mano

Oct 29, 2014 18:53

Prompt:  The Divine Right of Kings
Setting:  AtS, S5  "Time Bomb"
Rating:  PG
Words:  155
A/N:  This is totally Spuffy.  Really.  Not Spirillya at all.

Mano A Mano

He can’t help but fall for her, just a little.

She’s powerful.  Sure of her superiority.  Gorgeous, in her alien way.  And she can kick his ass without even breaking a sweat.

Yeah, Spike’s in love.

Not in the way he’s in love with Buffy, ‘course.  This is... this is...  She’s too perfect to be real, not like his girl.  Plus, there’s the whole killing Fred thing.  Puts a damper on any real feelings.  No, he knows he doesn’t love Illyria that way.  How could he?  He loves her power.  He loves the challenge.

Kill a Slayer?  Been there, done that.  Twice.  Withstand a hellgod?  Add it to the resume.  Wipe out the First’s army, and save the world to boot?  Walk in the park.

Illyria is an Old One.  An honest to god God-King, however diminished.

And Spike gets to fight her, mano a mano.

He’s in love, if only for the moment.

creator: spuffy_luvr, medium: fic, setting: a5

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