Last three prompts

Oct 29, 2013 14:54

Hello, darlings.

I hope you won't mind if I draw to your attention to the fact that there are still three unfilled prompts remaining in our Halloween Challenge and it's nearly the day itself. You surely wouldn't want to leave it like that, would you, even if Morag has already won?

For one thing, unfilled prompts make dragons awfully cross, and if you thought the dragon was bad-tempered before, well...

So, the three remaining prompts are as follows:

For Lacrimosa, Raven Skull for Blood Sacrifice (this prompt has to be meta) and Werewolf Blood for Raise the Dead.

For Vivia, Deer antler for King Oberon's Gate (this prompt has to be a fanmix).

Happy creating, darlings.

!mod post: witches brew

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