Vivia's Book: Acorn (AKA Giant Attack Squirrels of the Hellmouth)

Oct 23, 2013 19:24

Now, everyone knows that I, Vivia, don't approve of violence, but, as all you darling people will discover, if you read your spell books properly, there are some cautionary tales to be told about misuse of some ingredients. This is one of them.

Setting: BtVS season 4, a scene inexplicably left of out The Harsh Light of Day
Rating: PG
Prompt: Acorn, for Lady Morgan's Glamour (lovely person, as I said, once you get to know her), from Natural Lore
200 words

Giant Attack Squirrels of the Hellmouth

"Never told me there were witches on the loose, Slayer. Some bright spark didn't stash her acorns picked under a blue moon securely, I bet."

Spike dodged a furry tail and grabbed a fallen tree branch to defend himself.

Buffy turned from finishing off her opponent. "Why would I tell you anything, Spike?"

"Oh, I dunno." The branch rose and fell. "'Cos I'm the bloke that's helping you with your giant squirrel problem?"

Spike bashed harder. "I mean, when I said squirrels making lots of other squirrels, I meant rotten little ones, not bloody great monsters like these."

He kicked the giant squirrel in the head.

"Die, you blighter, die."

Buffy made a face. "I think it did. About five minutes ago."

"Oh." Spike dropped the branch. He wiped sweat off his forehead and squinted up at the sun shining through the leaves. The Gem of Amarra glittered on his finger.

"Looks like that's the last of them."

"Looks like," Buffy agreed. "Good thing this is a quiet part of the campus. No one saw us."

"Yeah?" Spike smirked at her and cracked his knuckles. "Where were we, Slayer?"

Buffy kicked him in the face. "Right about here, I think."

medium: fic, creator: shapinglight, setting: b4

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