Nagging Doubt

Dec 05, 2011 10:31

Title: Nagging Doubt
Author: mushroomgal
Rating: G
Prompt: The Golden Goose
Words: 232
Setting: B7, during "Chosen", right before they go to the high school

A/N: Absolutely not Christmassy at all. Not even a little. Sorry. Will try to produce something with holiday cheer before the month is out. First few lines of dialogue are lifted directly from "Chosen."

“Buffy… Is something wrong?”
“No… Yeah… I just realized something. Something that really never occurred to me before. We’re gonna win.”

Spike sat alone on his cot in the basement, watching the amulet spin and flash at the end of its chain and turning the past few hours over and over in his mind.

He had doubts.

Activating all the potentials-unleashing all the Slayers at once-it seemed a bit like killing the goose that laid the golden egg. If they tried to tap into all the power at once, would they find any there? He envisioned Buffy, standing in front of a horde of Turok-Han, bleeding, screaming, falling as he battled by her side and two dozen panicked little girls fought to scramble away.

But she had made him her champion. She trusted him, believed in him, and, whatever happened, that was all that mattered. She might never admit to loving him, but when it mattered most-when the world came crashing down and fire and death were on the horizon-he was the one she wanted at her back. He was the one she came to for comfort. Not Angel. Him.

The floor at the top of the stairs squeaked softly. The sound of her settled step broke his reverie. He rose to meet her.

Sod the fables and fairy tales. They were going to save the bloody world.

creator: mushroomgal, medium: fic, setting: b7

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