Died Thrice (One Up On You, Love) (Spike/Buffy. R)

May 26, 2013 23:48

Title Died Thrice (One Up On You, Love)
Author Brutti ma buoni
Pairing Spike/Buffy
Rating R, I suppose. Very weak R.
Words 1250
Setting AU post NFA
Prompt This is for Seasonal Spuffy’s free for all and also inspired by this week’s sb_fag_ends prompts which are James and Sarah’s other films. But contrarily I picked a different one, which is this, from The Air I Breathe.

And since it's neither the right prompt nor the right word length for the original comm, but the mods deserve the credit anyway, I am bunging it into the ashtray. Enjoy!

medium: fic, character: buffy, setting: post-series, character: spike

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