Featured Prompts 1

Aug 22, 2012 21:26

Hello everybody! This is the inaugural collection of featured prompts for sb_ashtray. Each month or so we should hopefully be here highlighting some past prompts from sb_fag_ends. You don't have to use these prompts any more than any others, but they are here to jog your memories of great prompts past - and of course you can take as much time as you like over them!

Going right back to our very first prompt set, in August 2010 we had some prompts inspired by fag ends and the comm's dear concept:

1. burnt out
2. fag end(s)
3. left over
4. short
5. weed(s)

Then in September 2010, we were going around Sunnydale, including these lesser frequented but quite exciting places:

1. The Bronze
2. Espresso Pump
3. Sun Cinema
4. Doublemeat Palace
5. The Mall

In October 2010, we were mashing up those monsters, including some pretty spooky picture prompts, including some pretty spooky pics and screengrabs, viewable by clicking on the one below:

And then in November, we were on the seven deadly sins - including these ice cream flavours from the time Magnum did some special versions:

Greed: Coffee.
Gluttony: Chocolate.
Lust: Strawberry
Wrath/'Revenge': Forest Fruits.
Jealousy: Pistachio
Vanity: Champagne.
Sloth: Caramel.

But remember, if they don't take your fancy, there are always many, many more...

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