Superman/Batman Kink Meme!

Apr 16, 2009 22:44

The Rules:
--Post prompts--anonymously or not--in response to the post on
sb_kink . One prompt per comment please!
--All prompts must involve both Superman (Clark Kent) and Batman (Bruce Wayne), although threesomes and more are fine.
--Reply to a prompt with a comment fic (anonymous or not) or a link to the story on your LJ. Reposting to your LJ or worlds_finest later is awesome!
--More than one fic getting written per prompt is not only okay, it's great!
--Play nice. No criticizing prompts or fic in the threads. Do your best to match the prompt. Be appreciative of the people who write for your prompts, and understanding if it doesn't spark anyone's interest right now.
--Art is welcome too!
--Most important, have fun!
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