Prompt: Mission Un-Doo-Able (comedy)

Oct 30, 2015 16:24

Prompt:  Mission Un-Doo-Able
Setting: Post-series
Rating: PG
Words: 260

“Okay, Spike, are you ready for the final challenge?” Phil said. “Ready to win a million kittens?”

“I’m ready, Phil,” Spike said. “Whatever you throw at me, I’ve got it mate.”

“You tell him, honey!” Buffy yelled from the TV audience crowd.

“Go Spike!” Dawn yelled. She grabbed Buffy’s hand. “This is so exciting,” she said. “What do you think it’s going to be?”

“Whatever it is, he can do it. All of these challenges are child’s play for him after the soul trials.”

“True,” Dawn said. “Come on, Spike!”

“Now, Spike, we have a special guest to help us with this last challenge. We’re going to bring him on out in a moment. All you have to do to win your million kittens is something very simple: for the next ten minutes, you have to verbally agree with everything…” Phil paused for dramatic effect. A figure emerged from a door, and began to walk down the shadowy corridor towards the stage. As the figure stepped into the spotlight, Phil said, “Everything… Angel says! Welcome, Angel!”

Angel gave the audience a winning smile, and the crowd went wild. Buffy gasped in dismay, and Dawn gripped Buffy’s hand even tighter. Angel pivoted slowly to face Spike, his smile turning distinctly evil.

“Are you ready to begin, Spike?” Phil said.

“I have to agree with everything he says?”



“Everything. For one million kittens, can you do it?”

Spike looked at Angel.

Angel blew Spike a kiss.

The crowd roared.

Spike stood up. “Keep the kittens, mate.”

setting: post-series, creator: spuffy_luvr, medium: fic

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