
Oct 30, 2015 15:36

Title: Follow-through
Creator: TheFoxinator
Rating: K
Setting: Season ten
Summary/Prompt: Conkers: Big Trouble (fluff)
Word Count: 259

When Buffy leaves her apartment to see if the little shop next door has started carrying 7Up, she finds Xander coming up the stairs with a forty pound bag of kitty litter. She leans against the edge of the stairwell so he can get by. “Do you need help?” she asks.

“I left another one at the bottom of the stairs,” he tells her.

She jogs to the bottom, grabs the bag, and jogs back up to meet him as he’s still unlocking his apartment. “Little kittens, big clean-up?”

Xander glances over at her. “Nah, usually not that big. There was a sale.”

“Ooh, ‘a sale,’” says Buffy. She shifts the kitty litter bag from under her arm to hold it against her chest. “You bought in bulk to save. So grown up.”

“Yeah, yeah,” says Xander. He opens the door and bends over to pick the bag he carried back up. “Don’t you think it’s eating me up inside? You don’t have to rub it in.”

“I’m sorry,” says Buffy. She follows him in. “Hey, remember when you guys only had the kittens for one night?”

She glances over at Spike, who’s sprawled on the couch and looks like he dozed off during his soap operas. There are three kittens asleep on top of him, the little orange one curled in a tiny ball of fluff on his chest.

“As the person who doesn’t have to deal with the other side of this,” she gives the kitty litter a little shake, “I kinda like your lack of follow-through.”

creator: foxstarreh, setting: b10, medium: fic

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