It's a Party

Oct 29, 2015 23:25

Title: It's a Party
Creator: TheFoxinator
Rating: T
Setting: 2.03 "School Hard."
Summary/Prompt: Mr. Scattybones: That's Monstertainment (angst)
Word Count: 100

The first one was just him. Him and Dru for the finale, a backdrop of mayhem and explosions for mood. Him and Dru licking the Slayer’s blood from each other’s lips and Angelus’s harsh look and thrilling words.

Second time was him and him alone. Flashing lights and the rumble of the car like music for their dance. Swing and strike and kick and the shattering glass and the snap of her neck. Him and her. Beautiful, alone.

This time, though, when he dances with this one, with this clever, hot blonde little girl, he’s gonna make it a party.

creator: foxstarreh, medium: fic, setting: b2

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