Title: Like man possessed (sequel to Broken)
Song- Like a man possessed- The get up kids
Fandom: Dark Angel (with very few clips from Blonde and Smallville to help tell the story)
Spoilers: none really
Couples: Alec/Max(really kind of clips from the past and stuff), Max/Logan
Summary: Max finds out she is pregnant and has no idea who the child belongs to, but she believes it is Alec’s. So she chooses to stay with Logan, which slowly kills Alec when he s told to stay away. Will Logan find out the baby isn’t his? Will Max realise she needs Alec? What will happen to Alec?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRPS-rmZpWYhttp://download.yousendit.com/B0BFCD9877765EE7 Click to view
it is a sequel to Broken which can be found here: