I don't usually do these....but I just had to! Stolen from
ldyghstwhisprer Six Names You Go By:
1. Sarah
3. Saya
4. Marjorie
5. Sazzy
6. Sister Crawley
Three Things You Are Wearing Now:
1. Uni Jumper
2. White slip on shoes
3. Brown jeans
Three Things You Want Very Badly At the Moment:
1. For someone else to drive my brothers to school
2. Get more hours at work
3. Finish watching 'Band of Brothers'
Three Things You Did Last Night:
1. Downloaded Band of Brothers
2. went to bible study class
3. sang in choir
Three People You Last Talked to On the Phone:
1. Daddy
2. Stewart
3. Mommy
Three Things You Are Going to Do Tomorrow:
1. Go to work
2. Go Dancing
3. Put money in the bank
Four of Your Favorite Drinks:
1. Spirte
2. Chocolate Milkshake
3. Strawberry and bannana Smoothie
4. Cloudy Lemonade
Three Things That Made You Smile Today:
1. Teresa was online
2. Aldis Hodge is going to Asylum 5
3. They are talks of Supernatural going on till Season 8.....