Ok, im addicted to True Blood now

Oct 07, 2009 09:01

In the past week I have been watching episodes of True Blood on the net. I finished the first season and now I am on season two on the 11th episode. I have been trying to watch it slowly so I wouldn't go through it fast but I am to curious to wait. I mean the show is pretty hawt, lots of sessy Vampires and loads of sex scenes too. I was kinda surprised by it actually, I wouldn't advise this show to people that cant stomach lots of sex scenes or blood. But I love the show now, I have to wait until next year for the new season and Im DYING.
My fav character is Eric (sexy swedish vampire), Lafayette and Pam. Too bad they dont have that much Pam though. I really want to read the Sookie Stackhouse books now, the show impressed me enough*. Its like a more grown up and sophicated version of Twilight, more rated R than PG13 and it was written 4 years before the Twilight series. There's 9 books in total and the latest book came out this year (I think).
I went to one of the public library but there wasn't any copy of the book available. WTF!!!

Must read about the hawt n seckesy vampires1!!1!!!

Anyways just a update about something because I dont update much anymore and Im really trying not to become apart of the Alex Skarssgard (He plays the most gorgeous vampire, Eric Northman on True Blood) fandom because I dont want to argue with other people about who he is dating and whats he is doing with his personal life or whatever, so Im just keen on looking up his pictures and watching the show.

*True Blood is based on a book series published back in 2001 called the Sookie Stackhouse novels/chronicles. The book and show are hella awesome so EVERYONE MUST READ/WATCH THE HAWT GOODNESS!

Thats Alex, yum!

awesome shiz, girl talk

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