Just another journal

May 30, 2014 17:29

Okay... the first of all.... my tv got 'slaped' with thunder 30 minutes ago. Orz. When the big thunder came, the tv LCD got black suddenly. I got panicked and i turn off the tv. But no smoke that's mean my tv not got burn right...? Hopefully....

So, here i am... in front of my handphone and writing journal. I hate holiday. Yeah, i love holiday but not for this long. I still like this until august. Just in house... wake up, clean house, take a bath, eat, sleep, watching film, scroll down twitter timeline and surfing in Instagram....... ah by the way, i finished read my holy bible in this holiday. I feel greatful and relieve because i'm 21 y.o but never finish read my bible. But now i did it! Yeayyy! Praise the Lord! but I still feel bored so i began again to read my holy bible for the two times now. hehe...

Okay emm... already 10 days without chat with him... i still feel uneasy and..... lonely.... he's the one i always talking to... yeah even just in LINE.... usually he always reply my LINE after his LINE active again... he will chat me like: "Sorry for late reply. I just log in LINE again" but now, still he didn't reply my LINE even already changed his profile picture LINE until 3 times *sigh* maybe he already know my feeling about him and he choose to avoiding me... it's okay.. if he get more better with that, i'm not problem. :,)

That's a lie. I'm not okay. I already dreamed about him for 5 times *i think* and that's just make me more miss him...... :''''(((

I want to talk everything to him... he's like..... my shoulder for me..... *sigh* Today i wrote down my uneasy feeling into a piece of paper... that's like a letter to God.... i wrote down all my uneasy feeling for these days.... now i feel relieve and more calm than before... i think i will start to write diary again. Actually i always write diary since elementary school. But i stopped in high school and continue write in this journal.

I want to concern in other things but he always appear in my mind. I don't want to feel lonely so i always tried to go somewhere with my friends but i will not able do that everyday, right...? Spend much money.... *sigh*

Fangirling about Natsu..... that's help... but only a little bit... i have room chat with Bang Saga and Iju but we always talk about crying baby things and that's not help me. I'm sorry guys if you read this journal. Hehe....

I need him.... but i know God think i didn't need him.... *sigh*. Okay God.. Jesus Chirst.... i will serve You as Choir in Church Birthday this sunday.. so please.... let me concern to You.... that will more better than i always thinking of him...

Okay i think is enough. :D
I'm sorry guys if i distrub you with my crybaby journal and i'm sorry to not use LJ Cut because i forgot that code... hehe

Have a nice day everyone!

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

curhat gajebo

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