Looong post from this past week

Aug 11, 2006 23:45

Jake was here... and then he left. The end. But while he was here, I can pretty much say it was the best week of my life.

Tuesday: See previous entries

Wednesday: My neighbor, Jay, and his wife took me, Jake, Greg and my mom out on their boat. There is a dolphin that lives in the harbor area, so we boated around to see if it would come out to play... and it did. We boated around Venice, swam in the middle of the Gulf, jumped off the boat a bunch of times, and docked in some random person's yard. After boating we went to lunch at Marker 4. Or Mahkah 4 as I should say. Jay just made fun of Jake for being a country boy the whole time. That night Jake and I went to Siesta Key to watch the sunset and take pictures. They came out pretty good. We saw some guy karate-ing it up and another guy wearing a speedo. After the beach we met up with Heather and one of her friends at Livingstons. We were having a good time playing pool (if that is what you want to call it)... until I started seeing "Blasts from the Past." The four of us were chilling up by the bar, and Alexander randomly comes over to stand with us. It took me a second to realize who it was... and then it just got reeeeally awkward from there. Jake... this is Alexander who I had a crush on all throughout high school... Alexander... this is my redneck boyfriend from Illinois. LoL... it was a good time to be had by all. I tried to make small talk, but I felt that I stuttered a lot or it was incomprehensible. After Alexander left to go hang out with his other friends... I spotted Britten from across the room. And we all know the drama from that. Apparent rape... stalking... and just being an ignorant ass. I escaped as fast as I could so he would see me... and to get away from the awkwardness.

Thursday: Jake and I went to Busch Gardens for the day. It was pretty sweet except for the fact that they tried to tell us that my passport (to get in free whenever I want) was expired... even though my mom is still making payments for it. So we got into the park late. We went on like two rides and then it was lunch time. Lunch was fun because Jake made me laugh so hard that I spit Mountain Dew all over him, his food and the table. Whoops! After lunch we rode the train, and then it stormed for like an hour so we couldn't do anything. Then we were in line for Sheekra and it decided to have technical difficulties and made us wait an additional hour before we actually got to ride it. After Busch Gardens Jake and I met up with Miss Emily King, a girl that I went to college with at IC. She was in Clearwater visiting her grandparents, which was only 30 minutes from the park. However, it took us like an hour to find the Ruby Tuesdays because the directions I got off the Internet were wrong, and I ended up driving around Tampa/St. Pete forever. Although now I have a pretty good idea of where everything is up there (and Jake got to see where the Bucs play and where the Yankees have spring training).

Friday: I made pancakes for everybody that morning (okay just Jake, Greg his girlfriend and myself) and then Jake and I went to Old Navy. We bought a bunch of stuff for his 4-year-old half-sister's birthday and a couple things for his half-brothers. Jake made a big scene at the registers, saying that we bought too much stuff for the kids and we couldn't get anything to expensive for him. Although he did get two shaaaap looking polos. After Old Navy we went to Chick-fil-a for lunch because Jake had never been there before. It gets his seal of approval! That night we went to a baseball game at Tropicana... Tampa Bay Devil Rays vs. Boston Red Sox. The game was a lot of fun... especially since our seats were FRONT ROW BEHIND THE VISITOR'S DUGOUT! And amazingly the Red Sox WON! It seems like whenever I go to a game there, they lose. Which is really lame because the D-Rays are like the second worst team in baseball (no offense Sammy).

Saturday: Jake and I watched my brother play in his Suncoast playoff basketball game. They ended up winning a nailbiter by only 2 points. It was a very intense and exciting game. And it was all because my brother is a smart player. After the games Jake and I went to South Lido beach and Jet-skiied with Jackie and ViVi. It was a first time experience for Jake but he seemed to catch on pretty quick. We also went tubing off the back of the jetski (in which Jackie was successful in getting Jake off...). For Jake it was probably one of the best parts of the trip. That night Jake, Greg, Britt and I went to the midnight showing of Talladega Nights. Omg was that movie HILAROUS!

Sunday: Jake and I went on a little tour of Sarasota... showed him all the "hotspots" and what not. We played pool basketball that afternoon and I beat him 16-5... and dunked on him for 5 of the points. That night we went bowling with Sammy, Mike Cugini and TJ. I broke 100 points (SHOCKING!) and came in second place overall with a 115. After bowling we all came back to my house for DDR and Kayla came over. Jake made a feeble attempt at DDR (which was cute) but was entirly unsuccessful. And once again Mike and Sam amazed us with their awesome talent.

Monday: Greg, Kayla, Jake and I went to Siesta Key to watch Jake skimboard. He didn't do so bad for his first time... but he had some nasty wipeouts that he is still trying to recover from. Jake decided that he didn't want to put on any suntan lotion... and he got completely fried. Even though I nagged him a million times... he still didn't listen to me. His body hurt like a mofo that night... and for 3 days after. We were supposed to go back home for lunch, but Greg convinced Brittany to meet us somewhere on the key when she got out of school. We ate at the Daiquiri Deck... which was a first time for all of us. Jake tried to give me one of his drinks, but the waitress like sprinted over the the table and asked for my ID... whoops. That night we went out for a family dinner at Sarasota Ale House. None of us were really hungry since we had eating lunch like 2 hours before. After dinner Greg, Brittany, Jake and I went mini-golfing... and I got TWO hole-in-ones! YAAAY!! In the battle of the couples, Jake and I beat Greg and Britt. We cheated the place out of a free game of golf because we overheard which hole was the "mystery hole" and we pretended that Britt got a hole-in-one on that hole.

Tuesday: Jake and I drove around trying to find a gift for his brother, but didn't find what we were looking for. We ate lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings (since the company that Jake works for apparently ships BWW sauces all the time). Jake says it has potential of being one of his favorite restaurants of all time. Amazing. In the middle of our meal guess who just happens to sit at the table right next to us... Tommy Sweeney and Anna Hahn. Lets just take a moment and laugh at that statement. Okay, now that we have gained our composure... lets continue on. This didn't make the meal awkward at all... nahh. Jake, this is Tommy who I had a huge crush on for the past 2 years... And this is Anna. The girl he picked (??) over me. Tommy, this is my boyfriend. Yesss I love Sarasota. After lunch Tommy and I chatted for a bit and then we went on our separate ways... while Anna clinged to his side like... well, I don't know what. But there was extreme clinging. After lunch we had about an hour till we had to leave to go to the airport. Eventually time passed and I had to drop Jake off in Tampa, and send him on his merry way. Saddd.

So that was the Jake vacation in a nutshell. Lots of good times, good laughs, and good memories. He fit it pretty well with my family, and everyone seemed to have approve. Jake and Greg got along really well (which I am happy about) and Jake wants my brother to come up and visit sometime this year. The best part of the trip was just being able to spend time with Jake. Things have improved tremendously since that weekend in June... and things honestly can't get any better. I miss that kid like crazy, and everything around me either reminds me of him or I want to talk to him about it. I am so looking forward to what next year has to offer... only 2 more weeks!
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