(no subject)

Mar 05, 2005 11:07

I'm going to update in sections..capische? (I have no clue how to spell that)

Last Night*
Mae, Ej, Kasey, and I went to the movies. I've been planning to see Kasey for about four days, cuz we realized we still liked each other. We saw A movie called Cursed..and it was a big stinking pile of doggy doo doo. but I think mae can agree with me that it was so bad it was funny. The werewolf jumps from a window...and flicks someone off. i mean..wtf mate? Call me crazy, but I don't think thats normal werewolf behavior. Then we went up to big pine to take the boys home and ran around the winn dixie parking lot. Kaset thought it was cool that my butt was so big that when i bent backwards he could reach his hands under my butt..he's a loser. then we took mae home and I came home and crashed.

School's full of drama everywhere you go. I'm not part of any of it anymore. I used to go at it with latarcia..but we buried our problems. Vivian and Danielle. Oh man. Vivian blows everything out of porportion (i have no clue how to spell that)..and it just keeps getting bigger. Note to all of you: Moms are never part of a argument. when you bring someone's mom into it..it hurts more than they let on. so keep it with you two..and only you two.

As you know, mae was dumped. Boob is one stupid motherfucker. I mean..cheating on her? Wtf mate? But she has _ _ _ _ _ _ now..so it's all good I guess. Mae, I really wished you could have spent the night .. im so bored ..

Moodie..you need to cheer up. If he makes you hurt like he does, he's not worth thinking about. It's his fault for letting you go...and you need to show him that. If you're all sad and stuff, then he won't see you for what you really are..and that's not a sad person. Show him what he's missing, sweetie. If he decides it's the right time for a girlfriend..he might then choose you again. If he doesn't...fuck him. He's not the right one for you. And don't get into how you're not enough to make him stay..because you're definitely worth it..and if i were a man, I would be on you like..white on rice. =)

Well, Brian dumped me on Tuesday. The break up was weird. I asked if we were going out and he said no. That's it. So i've been a bitch to him lately, unintentionally. no..I guess it was intentional. oh well. fuck you for letting me go. I'm showing you what you're missing, Babe. And you already regret it.

David and I are cool again. There was this period of time where we hated each other..and showed it. "You're a fucker" .. "you're a hoe" you know, stuff like that. But he told me he still loves me and misses me, and a moderate-sized portion of me still does too. But we've both moved on, and realized that. So it's a good thing.

Ah, Kasey. I love being with him. Him and EJ are so funny, and mae can agree with me. Last night, was..great. He layed down on my stomach..his head was on my boobs..ouch..oh well. I like..rubbed my hand all over him..nothing perverted people. Hah I found his ticklish spots. And he would pucker up when he wanted to kiss me..which was like every four seconds. I would be going out with him, but we realized it won't happen because of the distance. so we came to the agreement that we wouldn't go out with anyone, and act like we were going out. So we get what we want, and I keep my promise. yippee skip. I still smell like him. Life is good.

Boyfriend Status*
Patrick Sampson wants to have sex with me (I think he was kidding, but it's still funny)..Chad likes me and wants to go out with me..Kasey likes me and I like him but thank god he realized it wouldn't work. Mae and A numerous amount of people are preventing me from having another boyfriend this school year, and that's fine with me. I'll show everyone who thinks I can't do it.

Yours Truly*
I'm fine. Good grades, good friends, good family, good kasey. >lol<. I love how when I'm sad, I make all of my friends sad, and that shows who really cares about me. I want to but don't want to move. Hmm I wonder how all of this is going to turn out.

Since Mae couldn't come over, I'm going to sit around, and Maybe help my parents. We have no car, so I can't go to Cecily and Andrea's beach party. Oh well, there will be others. I'm just blah today..but that's okay. That rhymed. Alright.

Fcat Next week, Kt's birthday the 19th, Chelsea Howard's the 21 I think..and a lot of others. Hopefully I'm going to Danielle's next weekend to chill with her, Moodie, and Brian and Patrick Sampson. Good times up ahead. Let's just see what happens.
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