): my mp3 has decided to die on me.
the battery is all screwed up. Well at least i think it's the battery that's screwed up?
I try to charge it as it keeps showing i have 0 bars left so i charge it and after like 5 minutes, it tells me that it is FULLY charged.
and me being ever so gullible and senseless believe that bullshit and unplug it so that i can listen to music
THENNNNN, it tells me no more battery and switches off so basically,
i can no longer charge my mp3.
i guess it's time to put the awesome new blue ipod shuffle, that my friends got me, to good use.
omg, oh yeah Becky's coming down some time next week!
i cant wait, oh boy do i miss her.
As for now, i've got to get back to studying math and bio before i go to bed.
goodbye & goodnight.