copy and paste each first line from the first entry of each month in 2004.
July: Im bored. Boooooooooooooooooooooored.
August: Yeah, so I am back. I had a lots of fun.
September: Yeah. So today was my birthday.
October: So...I unlocked my journal. Woo!
November: I feel like crying, and I dont even have a reason. Oooh Lovely.
December: So. It is like...Pretty much five in the morning.
wow..those were really boring. ha....
So...Today was weird. Everything was either bad, or just fine. I cried this morning because I hate my body, and I also dont like my new hair cut because it looks stupid. Anyway. Came to school. Its crowded over where I sit in the morning now. I dont like it. Last semester it wasnt so crowded. God. I hate my world history class. I miss having it fourth hour. Eugh. Photography was okay, but boring for the most part, because we had to do this career finder thing. I didnt do the worksheet, cause I just didnt feel like it. Im sure its not for a grade. I did that last year anyway. Drama was okay. I thought Gabe kissed Nathan for the improv..Thats what everyone made it sound like, but I didnt see cause they were on the ground. Math was...I dont know. It kind of bugs me that hes in there, and it bugs me when he has to walk past my desk, and it bugs me when he has to walk back. Also when he looks back for no reason at all. Or maybe im wrong..Probably. Eh. Oh my goodness. It makes me think about him. That class. Cause hes in there. I just start remembering things. Uh..Anyway. Lunch was okay. English was interesting today, and Earth science was easy. I really dont have anything to write about, so...I guess that writing about school would be appropriate? Im bored, and I need something to do. Oh. I got my christmas presents from my parents today. Its a little late, but I dont mind. Going to california for christmas was kinda pricey. You know? Yeah. I got a play station two. Dance Dance Revolution Extreme. And a redoctane dance pad. Its exciting. I was falling asleep on the couch watching tv with my mom, and she made me go in my room. It was only six, but I was tired. I just woke up at 12 something. I wanted to play ddr, but I think I might have did something to the play station. I meant to restart it, because I put the memory card it...But I opened the one part instead. Err. Maybe thats not it. I hope I didnt break it. Hmm. I didnt have the memory card in when I was playing it earlier, and I lost all of my characters, and new songs. I like dance dance revolution ultramix 2, but they only have that for xbox. They should make it for playstation. I guess the one I have is fine, but I like the other one better. It has more songs, and you dont have to start all over again after three songs EVERY time. After your three songs are over you have to pick all of the options again. Or if you fail one of them it makes you start everything over. I cant figure out how to work the work out mode. You have to restart it just to get out of the party mode. It gets aggravating I guess. I feel sick to my stomach. I dont think I am gonna go back to sleep tonight. Eugh. Gay. So..*Someone* has a crush on me. I think Stephanie was talking about who I think. The person Eric told me about. God. I know too many Stephanie's. Except not, cause I only have two friends named that. God. haha. Oh man..Its not so cold now, and that makes me pretty happy. Im tired of the weather. I want it to get warm. I really dont like cold weather. Really. I dont. Im really really bored, and I want to play ddr. Cause I am that cool. Japanese people are brilliant. They made up that game, you know. ha. I remember last week, me and Christine were talking about ddr..And she said we should make a petition so theyll put one in the mall. ha. That would be too exciting. I remember when I was in California when me, brittney, mike, and melissa went to go see meet the fockers me and mike were gonna go act like we were really playing..but just move really fast to make it look like where really good. That would have been exciting, but it just never happened. I should call Brittney soon, to see how she is. I havent called her since i've been back. I should call Heather too. I need tacks. I want another calender too. I dont know what kind I want, but im sure ill figure it out. mmhmm. Well...This entry is just about nothing at all. So. I guess ill go.