Player Name: Bri
Age: 22
Contact: {AIM} notouchpolicy
Name: Jubilation Lee
Alias: Jubilee
Age: 20
Canon/OC: Canon {Uncanny X-Men}
Power: Plasmoid generation - Jubilee's mutation allows her to create multicolored bursts of energy plasmoids from her fingertips that she refers to as "fireworks" or "pafs". These can come in various shapes (such as balls or streamers) or intensities (disorienting bursts of light and sound, detonation capable of smashing objects, scalding heat, concussive impact); she can also merge the energies into solid objects (to explode at the sub-atomic level) or use them in a precise burst into a human brain that is capable of causing something similar to a massive stroke. Jubilee is also able to control the arrangement and direction of these fireworks while also detonating them as she wishes or absorbing them back into her body without being hurt by them.
Limitations: Although in the comics, Emma Frost has stated that Jubilee has what she believes to be unlimited potential as a mutant, that's not the case here. Jubilee's pafs can only do minor concussive damage - enough to put a good dent in a building, but if she experiences enough panic she can destroy an entire house (ie. Acts of Vengeance storyline). She needs her hands free to use her powers, although her control is mental. Although her pafs can be absorbed back into her body without harm, she can only absorb small amounts at a time before it begins to drain her energy. While she is immune to her pafs when she's absorbing them, she has no protection against the forces they exert around her.
Appearance: Standing at a mere 5'5" and 115 pounds soaking wet, Jubilee is hardly the most imposing figure in the room at any given time. What she lacks in stature, she makes up for with the build of an Olympic gymnast and shoulder-length black hair and deep brown eyes. Jubilee has no visible scars or tattoos and her only piercings are the ones in her ears. She does, however, stand out with her wardrobe; her favorite outfit consisting of jean shorts, a pink t-shirt, blue boots, oversized sunglasses, and a long yellow trench coat. She is rarely seen without her sunglasses and a pair of large earrings with her name on them while pairing them with rather colorful, borderline punk-savvy clothing choices.
Personality: If one had to describe Jubilee in one word, it would be rebel. The pyrotechnic mutant is mistrusting and suspicious upon first meeting her, but after warming up to her she's a loyal friend. Jubilee has had a problem with authority since her parents' murder and it shows most prominently in her tendency to speak her mind - uncensored. She is a sarcastic little spitfire with a penchant for using the word "dude" often. Jubilee can be very outgoing and fun when she feels comfortable around people, but if crossed she doesn't hesitate to hold a grudge. Jubilee is a softie at heart, but she won't show it unless she has to. Her brash rebellion is borderline foolhardy and often becomes the cause of her problems - especially when she really should be afraid and cautious. In spite of her explosive ability, she remains incredibly wary of hurting others with her abilities, and as such won't choose to push the limits of her powers in fear of killing someone.
History: Jubilee was born the daughter of Chinese immigrants and due to her father's job as a bank director, grew up in Beverly Hills. Jubilation entered prep school and discovered that she had an affinity for gymnastics. Unfortunately, she hardly used her gifts as she should have - instead spending more time at malls on roller skates, committing petty theft just because of how they did it. This trouble of course, led to her eventually being cornered by a pair of rent-a-cops, which caused her powers to manifest. Panicked and fearful of juvenile detention and her parents' reactions, her abilities activated and destroyed the entire alley she was in. Eventually, Jubilation came clean to her parents about her powers, and they seemed to have no problem accepting them, which further prompted Jubilation to learn how to control them enough that they wouldn't activate unintentionally.
Life seemed to be going well for her until one day upon arriving home from the mall, she found the police waiting for her. To her dismay, her parents had been killed on Mulholland Drive in what appeared to have been a car accident. Alone, she was left with another couple from the neighborhood that shared her last name. That situation didn't last long, though, and she ran away as soon as she could - fleeing to the only place that felt like home to her anymore - the mall.
After weeks of making a living from petty theft and making money with her fireworks, Jubilation ran into a problem with the rent-a-cops; who were tired of chasing after her and hired some mutant hunters known as the M-Squad. The day they arrived, Jubilee was the only witness to the arrival of the female contingent of the Australian X-Men through one of Gateway's teleportation portals. Curious and stunned by the beauty of the ladies, she followed them through the mall and was saved by the X-Men when the M-Squad attacked her. Surprised by the revelation that there were others with powers like her, she followed the X-Men through the portal when they left and found herself in the middle of the Australian desert.
Jubilation spent a short amount of time hiding in the X-Men's base in fear of what they'd do if she was found, and curiously enough, the team began to dissolve after her arrival. Upon the return of the Reavers, the remaining X-Men left through the Siege Perilous, leaving her alone until Wolverine's return. The Reavers placed Wolverine on a cross and “crucified” him in a scene that horrified Jubilation and moved her to action that night to free him and get him to her hideout. She stayed by his side through his periods of delusion, nursing his wounds as long as she could before dragging him through the desert to Sydney where they caught a ship to Madripoor.
During their journey to Madripoor, Jubilation and Logan formed a father-daughter bond while he healed from his critical injuries at the hands of the Reavers. Upon finally reaching Madripoor, they met Lady Mandarin, and Jubilation was captured by her and dressed up like a China doll. In desperation, she unleashed an unprecedented amount of power from her body which completely destroyed the house she'd been in at the time - a critical moment for Jubilation since that was when she decided never to try and push her powers out of fear that someone would get hurt.
After Psylocke had been freed from the Mandarin's control, she was added to their team in spite of Jubilation's obvious distrust of the psychic, which caused fights for the first few months. Jubilation only worked with Psylocke for Wolverine's sake and together they experienced many an adventure in Madripoor.
When a mutant-hating country known as Genosha began to attack mutants in the United States, she followed Wolverine and Psylocke to Genosha to stop the attacks. In the streets, they ran into one of the New Mutants among the first captured named Boom-Boom and Jubilation was tasked with guarding her while Wolverine and Psylocke went off to invade the citadel and get themselves captured. In spite of being unable to get along, the two managed to avoid several capture attempts and made their way to the citadel to join the other X-teams in the showdown against Cameron Hodge - the man behind it all.
When news of the X-Men being reformed by Storm reached them, Wolverine and Psylocke went to join them while Jubilation decided that she wasn't going to follow - instead going her own way for a while once they returned to the United States. Jubilation returned to California in search of a place that she could call home, bouncing from place-to-place as was her nature. And after three years of jumping around, she was arrested for destruction of public property after a run-in with the rent-a-cops from her favorite haunt ended in some major damage to a local library.
Miraculously, she thought, the charges were dropped before she went to court and upon her release from jail, she was confronted by a pair of military men claiming to be members of a group known as Team X. She had come to the conclusion that they were responsible for dropping the charges and before she could run off, was threatened with joining the team or facing jail time.
Recruitment: Jubilation's recruitment to Team X is little more than an attempt to keep a mutant of her power under close observation so she no longer poses any problems to society. Although it has gone unsaid, it is believed that her recruitment to Team X is a ploy to draw Wolverine back to the camp.
Personal LJ Sample: Alright, y'know what? This SUCKS. Who the hell thinks that the choice between jail time or bein' just another military drone is a CHOICE? I can't believe I said yes to these jerks. Jail's not so bad, right? Ugh, maybe I shoulda gone with Wolvie when I had the chance.
Third Person Sample: "Dude, are these cuffs really necessary?" Jubilee whined for the fifth time in what she could only judge as having been an hour, shifting in her seat uncomfortably and looking from soldier to soldier. Yet again, her question had gone unanswered and she was really getting tired of the silent treatment.
"Are you even allowed t'talk? Or like, blink?"
"Y'know they have programs for this kinda thing."
A look.
"Holy shit, it's a miracle! Your face isn't frozen!"
"Oh my god, you guys are boring. Does the military suck the life outta everyone that joins? Or are you just a special case?"
With an exasperated sigh, Jubilee just sank into her seat and played with her powers until the humvee entered the camp and she got gently yanked out the door. It's only when one of the soldiers goes to uncuff her that she absorbed her fireworks back into her hands.
"You guys need to lighten up. Seriously."
Catching the duffel bag that was thrown roughly at her, she stuck her tongue out at the soldiers that retreated to god knows where and just looked at the place around her. She'd been in some hellholes before, but this just took the cake.
"Dude. Someone needs t'call Extreme Makeover, military style. And fast."