Satire Paper

Nov 30, 2005 19:45

Here is something I suggested Taylor write for his satire class. It was a group effort, I dictated some, he wrote the rest.

An open letter from Horace:
(Translated by MTV VJ Sway to be more accessible to a modern audience who only responds
to reports on either the Daily Show or MTV)
What up world dis Horace. So I sat down to write some satire the other day got out my
parchment, my quill got everything crackin’ and poppin’ to write me some satires. I was
surfin’ the nets to see what was the D-low in society, gotta to have some societies to critique
if you want to be writin’ hot satires, am I right? So I catch me a download of some footage of
the big man, Georgie W. B, giving a little press conference on some Indian thang. This Mark
Trahant newsman aks him, “What do you think tribal sovereignty means in the 21st century?”
So Georgie answers, and I quote

"Tribal sovereignty means that; it's sovereign. I mean,
you're a - you've been given sovereignty, and you're viewed as a sovereign entity. And
therefore the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between
sovereign entities.”"

Now I was like damn, that’s hot right there. I can write some hilarious satire ‘bout that.
Now I started writing and I realize, I can’t write nothin’ funnier than what he jus’ said. I know
I ain’t been around for like 2000 years now, but damn, what was that all about. I usually
don’t like to get all pissed off now, I think it is a bit too Juvenal -- sorry juvenile, but I just
don’t know what else to do. If y’all can’t get somebody in your political offices I can make
fun of I’m gonna be Broke Phi Broke. So please use some sense otherwise I won’t be able to
satirize nothin’ for a long long time. Horace, out.

I also tried to talk to a professor today who's mouth was FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH COOKIES. I'm talking about CRUMBS SPILLING DOWN HIS CHIN. And I was really frazzled because I was trying to turn in a paper a little late. AWKWARD.

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