Feb 10, 2007 02:34
I know it hurts now
but, I assure you, it will get better with time.
Please try to understand that I am only giving you what you asked for.
what you said you wanted.
I know it hurts.
I hurt just as bad...I can promise you that.
In time we will both be ok.
Our hearts will heal.
and although we will never forget each other,
and we will never stop loving each other,
we will learn to forget and move on to an extent that is bearable.
You say this isn't really what you want,
but keep in mind:
You said this before.
It is always short lived.
It always comes back to this.
We must accept this for what it is.
We tried.
We failed.
We tried again and again and again....
We failed...everytime.
I will always love you.
My heart is always yours.
I am always with you.
Don't ever forget that.
I wish you the best.
I love you....