First, before I even start this entry, which is probably going to be all over the place, I'd just like to say this:
Thank you, Mom, from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul and the roots of my hair (color: undisclosed) for being what I can ONLY NOW fully come to recognize as extremely strong, utterly selfless, and totally empathetic
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Remember when you had these same separation anxiety episodes when you were in pre-school, and again in 4th grade? I helped you work through it, but didn't get you the real help you needed. Possibly, if I could go back and give you over to a professional, you wouldn't have had such a hard time in your 20s. But, as Seth would say, I shouldn't look back with guilt, but encourage you to move ahead in an even better way than I did.
Seems to me you are doing EVERYTHING possible.
I could suggest you kick the little fucker out of the car, but you might not laugh, and it might be a faux pas right now.
So, on a day to day basis, is there a special friend you could connect him with at the classroom door? Anyone live close enough to ride to school with you? Get his attention off you (the #1 person in his life). Get little jabbermouth talking. Discuss the clouds in the sky. Count rav4s, blue trucks, or white houses. Get that radio blaring and sing along. Make sure to include both boys, as Ethan will probably need attention too. Make them drive you crazy with talk. (You can handle it.) Give them both a favorite car to carry. Aiden could even take something small to class. Tell them to think of Pap, and imagine what he is doing right now, then take turns telling you what he is up to. Get them to imagine what Devin is watching on TV. They can even complain about my smoking. Hehe. Talk about Casanova, Spice and Cinnamon.
Anyway, what I am saying it don't let it consume your lives. Just get back to basics.
I love Aiden and Ethan, and I need to get down there to see you. I love you and miss you like crazy.
Your suggestions were EXCELLENT, and I have already done several of them, because I thought "What would Mom do?" and so the first thing I thought of was distraction. Last night, RIGHT BEFORE BED, I told him I had a special surprise and that I would tell him on the way to school (this morning). The surprise was that I am taking them to the movies tonight, and he was so uber excited that he totally forgot to be nervous, and he walked into the school (although I did walk with him and made sure he got all the way in ok) without crying.
I like some of the other suggestions though, too, and I am definitely going to use them. Like the special toy, and to talk about you and Dad, because you are totally his two favorite people in the world other than me and Ralph (and I think he even likes you guys better than Ralph, heh).
I thought of asking Nora if I could drive Kepler to school with us, and if this continues I think I will do that. I will explain the situation to her and see what she says. Kepler is Aiden's best buddy in the world right now, and ANYTIME he is around, Aiden is totally consumed with boy stuff.
Thanks Mom, you continue to be an awesome role model, and my kids are benefitting from your parenting too! I love you!!!
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