Title: Four Seasons
Pairing: Henwook
Genre: Romance
Chapter: 10
Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior
Summary: Recovering from a car accident, Ryeowook lost all his memories of his best friend, Henry. When they reunite again, will feelings spark again?
Autum- Angel )
Comments 10
Oh~, Henry's so lucky his detention was excused! So the teacher isn't as mean as we like to think~ XDDD
I can't wait to hear Henry's solo performance! I kept Wookie can't wait either~
I wonder if he'll ever regain his memories T.T
I can so imagine chibi!Henry playing his violin in the school... So cute~~~
Adorable as always~! Update again soon~, ne?
Henry's solo is going to be great because wookie is there to listen to him!!! ><
Haha chibi henry!!! -goes and draws him-
thanks for commenting! -hugs-
This chapter was excellent as always. I like the idea of a spring concert, maybe hearing henry play will help Ryeowook regain his memories? Here's too hoping!
Update soon I hope~
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