Title: Four Seasons
Pairing: Henwook
Genre: Romance
Chapter: 4
Disclaimer: This is my first fanfiction. I do not own Super Junior
Summary: Recovering from a car accident, Ryewook lost all his memories of his best friend, Henry. When they reunite again, will feelings spark again?
Spring- Awakening )
Comments 17
I love how they are growing closer together. It's really touching~ Poor Ryeowook, losing his memory. If he gets it back I wonder what will happen o.o
YES ITS LOVEEEEE >=] o.o i wonder what will happen when he gets it back. Wait and see! if he gets it back, that is~
lksjsk i'm so impatient o_o
Henry's emotions were very well written. I love this story, thank you for writing. ^^
Yep. henry does miss ryeowook a whole lot. >< poor henry.
Thanks for supporting it~
why must you make them so precious? :3
The flashbacks add a nice touch to the story so far. They help me understand more of their personality in the story.
“Why are you always waiting the in corner? It makes me hard to find you!”
“Then you’ll be in the spotlight, and I will always support you from the shadows!”
and I do think Wookie waiting for Henry in the corner could possibly be the most adorable thing ever.
p.s. I like the violin addition. Music is a definite bond between HenWook ^_^
henwook is the best paring alive ><
music = love!
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