(no subject)

Mar 24, 2004 19:02

:flops: I'M ALIVE! 'Course I think I accidentally went anorexic :frowns: Yesterday I didn't get home until 7:30 (REHERSAL! :thud:) and from then until 10:00 PM and I did not get to eat until I was done with homework T_T

I was working on my Big Poetry Project of Doom. Speaking of which, I added an extra section dedicated to the Jabberwocky ^_^ <3<3<3<3!!!!!! And I hadn't showered since Monday at 1 (we had the day off Monday :P), and I wouldn't let myself take a shower until I was DONE. So. Yes~ I hadn't showered in more than thirty hours. x_x :disgusting: T_T it was the worst feeling ever. T_T

Yeah, had rehersal again today, but I don't have rehersal tomorrow or Friday! :cheers: I get to go home before 6 for once! ;_; So happy!

Yes, but at rehersal today it was sooooo much fun 'cuz Duckie was there and when I wasn't on stage we were passing notes to each other. Fun~ stuff! And at one part Frank (Duckie kinda sorta likes him, he likes Duckie) was playing the xylaphone and she wrote: "I like a man that can play the xylaphone!! lol"

Me:LOL! I like a man that can dance :P
Duckie: You like Steven! I knew it! I'm gonna tell him! :P haha, j/k
Me: eh, he's okay.

Steven is pretty cool though. I mean that guy can dance and I'm not talking about dancing at prom or anything. I'm talking about real dancing. Performance dancing. 'course Duckie and I were laughing when we saw him dancing, just cuz we've never seen a guy dance like that before. And, he went to opera camp. How many guys do you know that can say that without being embarressed about it? He's not all mean and intimidating either (granted he's taller than me and I'm 5'9" :not use to feeling short:) he's friendly.

So yeah, in short, Steven's cool.

Dunno if I like him like that though.

Anyways, about the play. There's still quite a few things we need to work on (and it opens in less than 2 weeks! x_x;;) but it's coming along pretty good. Yeah and see all those people over there? :points to random group of cast members: They don't know all their lines. (I DO THOUGH! :bounces:) >D So yes, things I need to work on?

-Not dropping my lines. (example: "Now wait just a minute! I'm not here to . . . :voice fades until you can't here it:")
-Showing more emotion and not being so "rock" like. (-_-;; I have a bit of trouble with that)
-SHOW FRUSTRATION DAMMIT! ^^;; (And that damn chair I have to sit in! When you go to get up and you try to move it, IT DOESN'T MOVE! :growl:)

But at least Merideth knows I'm working on it. ^^;;

We had confession today. :whimpers: T_T I don't like confession, yet I feel guilty when I don't go to confession. :didn't go to confession: So yes, now I must find some other way to repent for my sins.

This post is long enough. Ja ne!
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