(no subject)

Jun 16, 2005 01:34

So, some of you might not be surprised by this, but I have really weird dreams. Often.

This last week I have had a really strange one that seems to have come out of nowhere.

Okay. Don't laugh, but I was Lindsay Lohan. Don't ask me why, I do not know. Anyway, I/Lohan was at this thing with a bunch of other young people, and we were competing in some sort of science project/quiz/intelligence contest. It was bizarre.

At the same time, I/she was trying to woo these two twin princes. Yes, I said princes. I think that I kind of identified them with my next-door neighbors. Who I don't really know but are twins, apparently.

So, I think that I/we did actually end up winning the hearts of one or both of the twins, exactly at that moment, the results of the project/quiz/contest were decided and everyone went into this building that reminded me slightly of my high school cafeteria, but space-age-ified.

I sat down at this thing that looked like one of those oxygen bar tubes, but it had some sort of computer screen and was crazy. And I knew that I had won the contest, and that it was in reality to chose who would be sent to do some sort of research on a new space station.

But I still had to do this final test on the oxygen bar computer, which I explained to a curious girl who was looking on.

And, while I was finishing my final test -- I was the only one doing it, yet the building was full -- someone said in the background, "But why did she try to find a mate? For she knew the importance of humanity's continued existence!" (If you've seen David Lynch's 1984 version of Dune, it was very reminiscent of Alia's "For he is the Kwisatz Haderach!" bit.

Oh, god, I feel like such a geek now.)

Anyway, fun. Good night to you all.
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