Feb 03, 2004 01:35

WOW I feel like im in 13th grade. I dont like being in 13th grade..but im going to grind my teeth and bear with it. Well today was very rainy and VERY VERY COLD!!! I had full intensions of waking up at 7:45..taking a shower eating something for once in my life and going to class. NO that didnt happen...that snooze button comes in handy WAY TOO MUCH!!! So I got up 9 minutes before class...lovely. And then started to have second thoughts about going to class....I wanted to skip SOOO BADLY! So I ended up saying to myself "Lisa you're a lazy bum get your lazy self outta bed and go to class" so I there 10 minutes late. What caused this entire thing with me not going to first aide is when my professor told us "OH and just to let you know attendence doesnt count in this class" SOOO I started not going....well I only missed one and was late to 2. Im GLAD I went b/c theres a test on Wednesday on child CPR...lovely. I can save a child if the child is choaking...which is a nice skill to know...

After class I came right back to my dorm room and fell right back to sleep. lol...Ali woke me up to go to lunch...then I had my math class...thats what started everything that went wrong today. OH MY GOODNESS...I GOT A 54 ON THAT STUPID TEST!!! I couldnt think I was brain fried...I study WAY too much at times.... I can bring it up...I now have a meeting with my math teacher...she wants to talk to me..but I already know what shes going to say...not too worried about it...MAN THIS SUPER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!

Well I came back after class and went to sleep! Then I went to dinner...and then a bunch of drama happened that im not going to talk about. BLAH!! Im seriously going to write a book on my freshmen year in college! Its freakin SOAP OPRA!!!

Went to public speeking HAHA thawt class is SOOO boring!! But me and Ali wrote notes to each other....and I wrote EXTREMELY CHEESY POETRY!! I was amuseing myself quite well. Ali joined in on my poem writing and we had just a funny time..LOL! Im going to put some of them up here..Ali could barely contain herself reading them b/c they are just sooo cheesy and I cant write poetry! Everyone will get a good laugh out of it hehehe...

Ok well then I came back to my dorm room and for some reason there was a dog in my room. My RD gave me a pet dog.... So now I have this cute little Yorkshir puppy!! ITS MY ROOMATE!! SERIOUSLY I heard that the school passed this new thing where if someone doesnt have a roomate you get a pet puppy! He has his own little bed and everything! Apparently alot of puppys were out on the street and needed a home so they desided to give them to college students!!! Oh my SOOO happy I have a puppy...I needa name him. Then the worst thing happened...

I woke up...:'(

SO after I woke up, I went to BSU and had fun. Melanie had a GREAT message tonight!! I REALLY LIKED IT!!

Well I guess this is it for now..BYEEE GOD BLESS ALL
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